The racer thanks us and stalks off to talk to more reporters. The adrenaline from the race might trump his exhaustion for now, but I'm sure it won't last long. The race had been intense. This whole trip Dad planned has been the most incredible gift anyone could have given me.

I suspected nothing when Dad told me I needed to get a passport months back. The idea of going abroad and visiting several countries used to seem surreal to me. It still feels like a dream, but now I have hundreds of colorful pictures to prove it's very much real.

Dad talks to a couple of colleagues who also traveled to the event while my eyes roam my surroundings, and my camera immortalizes every minute detail of what I see.

We leave Mugello Circuit an hour later. I yawn as I get into the convertible dad rented. Our next destination is different from the magnificent Florence we visited some days ago. Dad and I are going to Castiglioncello in Tuscany. It's a two-hour drive, and although I try my best to stay awake and enjoy the scenery on our way to the beach, my eyelids grow heavy midway through the journey.


After checking in at a hotel, Dad and I go out to dinner. He chooses one of the beachfront restaurants, and we sit at a small table on the terrace.

We ordered a seafood platter and some tuna tagliatelle. Neither of us speaks while we're waiting for the waiter to bring our drinks. I inhale the salty air, watching how the light breeze moves the white tablecloth that covers our table.

Some seagulls cry as they dive for food. I swivel my head and smile at the sight, making Dad chuckle.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?"

"Very," I say. "Thank you. I still can't believe I get to see all of this."

"You had a difficult year, Leah. You deserve all of it and more."

Dad's gray eyes twinkle when he looks at me. He was a bit hesitant to give me affection at first, as if he were afraid that I would reject him, but we've grown close now. 

"It's been tough, yeah," I say. 

"Wanna tell me?"

The server stops at our table and pours white wine into our glasses. We thank the man, and I speak as soon as Dad and I are alone.

"Well, you know about Nash."

"I'm glad he took it well. You did the right thing. It would be unfair to lead him on."

"I know. I did hurt him. I just hope he doesn't hate all girls because of my dishonesty."

Dad smiles. "I don't think he will. And Axel's kid? Did the two of you talk?"

"We did," I say and take a small sip from my glass. "But Axel's kid will have to wait for me to come back. Tara told me he stopped by our apartment, and she said I went abroad."

"He must be worried." Dad sighs.

I squint at him. "Really?"

Laughing, Dad raises his hands. "What? Men also have their feelings."

"I had mine, too, but he disappeared for nine months."

"His parents worried about him as well, you know? I had dinner with Axel and Aria when I visited…"

"Wait…" My eyes flare. "You visited Mom, didn't you? More than once?"

"We needed to talk, and yes, I did."

Dad leans back in his chair and brings the wine glass to his lips. There's sadness in his eyes, and I regret mentioning Mom right away.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I know it's hard for you to talk about her."

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