Friends Like These

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't mean it's any easier," Morgan tells her and offers a quick hug.

"No but, I'm doing okay. Thanks for...checking up." Devyn offers him a smile and resumes her place at Spencer's side, her hand sliding into his own. "It means a lot."

"Of course," Derek nods. "You know I'm here, we all are, for you guys if you ever need anything."

Devyn clears her throat when she feels a ball of emotion creeping up on her and she forces a smile. "Well," She states loudly, trying to move on from the current subject. "It's a beautiful day, I don't know about you but we're not doing anything. Want to call PG and go out?" She wouldn't want Derek to be the third wheel and who better to call to be his stand-in date than Penelope?

"Sounds like a plan."


As she had expected, Garcia jumped at the opportunity to spend the day with three of her favorite people. Her words. It was past lunch and everyone had eaten so they all decide to just grab ice cream instead and walk through a park while they enjoy the cold treat.

"Ooh," Garcia suddenly says loudly, holding up a finger. She continues to hang off of Morgan's arm when she turns to Devyn who matches her position with Spencer. "Lila Archer,"

"Garcia," Spencer sighs and closes his eyes while Derek chuckles, shaking his head.

"Who?" Devyn questions with a confused smile and looks between everyone present.

"This actress we met on a case," The blonde tells the other woman excitedly.

"Come on, baby girl," Derek takes pity on his younger co-worker but Garcia shrugs.

"It was way before they met, it's fine," She tells him before looking back to Devyn who eagerly awaits the story.

"Lila Archer, young, blonde, she took a liking to none other than our boy genius here," Penelope reaches over and taps Reid's arm. The man himself groans and throws his head back, looking to the heavens as if praying for this to be over. "They kissed in her pool."

"Oh, did they?" Devyn asks, turning to look up at her boyfriend who smiles sheepishly at her. "Can't blame her." She shrugs. It's not like she can be mad. Spencer hadn't even met her at the time. He's allowed to have had relationships before her. She sure had some before him. "He is a great kisser."

It's Morgan's turn to groan and he waves the couple away playfully. He then decides to join Penelope. He's never been one to pass up the opportunity to tease his little brother. "Hey, what was that bartender's name? The one you impressed with that magic trick?"

"Austin Pines," Spencer answers without thinking but as soon as the words leave his mouth, he trips over his own feet and chokes on air. The others only laugh. "I-nope."

"Pretty boy's got more game than we thought," Morgan reaches over the girl's to clap his friend on the shoulder and Spencer ducks his head, cheeks turning a brighter red.

"Guess I'll have to keep him closer," Devyn jokes and pulls on Spencer's arm. "Don't worry," She whispers to him. "I trust you." What's the point of a relationship if you can't trust your partner?

"Aww, that's sweet," Garcia's voice pulls the couple's attention away from each other again and the four continue their walk down the street.

When the weather changes from sunny to cloudy, the group decide to catch a movie instead of cutting the day short. They all decide on a comedy.

"I'm craving Mexican food," Devyn says when they exit the movie, smiles and laughs still radiating off the group. "Enchiladas suizas, to be exact."

"Oh, I know a great place close by, very authentic." Garcia tells her and she nods in interest. "There Sopes de pastor is the best."

"I guess it's settled then," Morgan nods and thirty minutes later, they're all sitting around a table at the restaurant, eating and laughing.

"We need to do this more," Garcia says, a little too loudly. Morgan slides her margarita a little further away from her when she's not looking. "Because-because you guys are great and I love you so much." The blonde then reaches out to Devyn and grabs onto the young woman's hand. "And you're just so pretty. Like, I want to be mad your face is so perfect but I can't because I love you and you're so nice."

"Thank you," Devyn's cheeks hurt from smiling so widely and she chuckles, glancing over at Spencer who nods.

"She's not wrong, your face is perfect." Devyn snorts and shakes her head but she blushes at the compliments. She also feels a little bad for not joining Garcia in her drinking but she hasn't touched any alcohol since she got sober and doesn't plan on starting. She feels it's too big of a risk, even if alcohol was never a big problem for her. And Spencer's never been one to drink, something she finds immense comfort in. And Derek is driving, so. That leaves Penelope to drink alone. But the blonde doesn't seem bothered by that.

"Alright, baby girl," Morgan helps Penelope stand at the end of dinner and she gladly uses his arm to stable herself. "Let's go."

"Yes, take me home," Penelope points towards the door and Devyn burst out laughing before they all make their way outside.

"Thanks for tonight," Devyn whispers to Derek when they share a parting hug and he nods, patting her back.

"See you later, little lady."

"Goodnight." Waving to their friends, Spencer and Devyn make their own way home. Devyn smiles at the thought. Home is with Spencer now. She's not sure if she's ever had a real home before because she's never felt like this. But she can say for sure that she's found a home in Spencer. Home isn't with him. He is home.


1. Spencer asked Devyn to move in with him officially! Yay, that's a big step for our couple.
2. Derek being a nosy but good friend. More like big brother. It's adorable.
3. Those four had a fun little double date, I thought it was cute and fun.
4. I want to say something about something but I think you guys would figure it out so easily. You guys are to good at guessing things. So I'm just going to make you wait.

Thanks for reading! Please leave a review! I love to know you're reactions, what you like best, thoughts and theories!



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