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"my heart talks about nothing but you."
- albert camus

Ian's POV

Ivy's gone upstairs to take a shower, leaving Amy and I alone downstairs.
We haven't had the chance to talk properly - the only time we met being when I picked Ivy up for our improper date.

"She really likes you, you know."
Amy hums from her spot at the kitchen island.

I turn around, placing my hands on the counter.

"You think?"

She scoffs.
"I know."
She looks around the room, double-checking that we're alone before speaking again.
"I haven't seen her so happy since.."


Her eyes widen.
"How'd you know?"

"She told me, yesterday."

Amy throws her hands up in the air dramatically.
"So that's why she ran off with you and never came back!"

I chuckle, running a hand through my hair.
"She's really amazing."
I can feel myself swooning, spacing out into my little fantasy in my head.

I'm an ordinary boy.
My parents, and the rest of my family, are all very much alive - I just chose the independent life.
And I haven't been through horrid break ups, or illegal tendency fazes.

I was simply waiting for the right girl to come along and make life just a little bit more interesting.
I'd be lying if I said Ivy wasn't that girl.

I always told myself that I wouldn't be able to handle emotionally unstable girls who had past issues - I just didn't have the patience for it.
But after meeting Ivy, and falling for her so quickly, I was blind to it all when she finally opened up to me.

If anything, I feel likes it's my job now to protect her from life's worst demons.

"Lover boy?"
I can hear Amy singing mockingly.


"You zoned out."

I scoff.
"I guess I did."

"As I was trying to say, you're a big deal to Ivy - and to me too. She's my best friend, and seeing her so lost and hopeless for these past couple of years has been heart-breaking."
She points a harsh finger at me.
"And you better not break her heart yourself. I don't think she could hold on any longer if you let go of her too."

I blink quickly, taking in everything that she just said.

"Believe me, I'm not letting go of her anytime soon."

And just like that, on cue, Ivy comes waddling down the stairs innocently.

These past couple of days have been exactly what I'd wanted all my life.
The type of relationship you only see in movies..
If only I had the guts to tell Ivy how I felt.

"Hey princess."
The words slip, unintentionally.
I slap a hand up to my mouth regretting it.

I've come to learn how much Amy teases Ivy about these types of things.
She was already embarrassed enough this morning, I'd hate to bring it up again..

"I swear he's never called me that before."
Ivy sighs, putting her hands on her hips.

Amy sticks her tongue out.
"I'm only bugging you."

Ivy walks over to me hesitantly, keeping her gaze fixated on Amy.
She then leans against my arm - her hand laced under it.

"So, did you only come here to judge me - or was there something else you needed to say?"

"I just wanted to see what you sweethearts were up to."
She says, shrugging.
"You know, I think you two need to go have some fun. The tension in here is unacceptable."

Ivy giggles.
I reach for her hand, interlacing our fingers together.

"Where to?"
She questions, squeezing my hand lightly.

Amy's right, Ivy likes me. I'm not oblivious to it.
I just struggle acting upon it.

I like staying in the honeymoon faze, as they like to call it, where we're together - but not really.
Playing games with the heart..
But it's clear that Ivy doesn't handle heart games very well.

"How about the bar?"
I chime in, snapping back into reality.

I owe it to Ivy to prove that this isn't some heart game.
I'm falling for her - hard.
Tonight's the night.

"Ooo, sounds fun!"
Amy squeals, grabbing onto Ivy's free hand.

I release her from my embrace as she's practically dragged away by her best friend.
I have to admit, Amy is quite the character.

Ivy's POV

"Do you think he'll ask me out?"
I question, looking into Amy's eyes for conformation.

"I'd say yes."
She hums back, as she continues to apply more makeup to my face.

"I mean, am I ready for it? I like him, a lot. But it's been 3 years.. I don't know if I could do it."
I babble, overwhelmed emotion growing inside of me.

Amy places her hand on my upper arm.
"Listen to me. It's been 3 years too many - you deserve this."

I look up at the ceiling, contemplating all that's happened within such a short period of time.

"He's so amazing, Amy."

"I know."
She whispers back.


I step out of the car, instantly casting my eyes upon Ian. He's leaning up against the building, his gaze fixated on his phone.

From here I can see that he's wearing light-brown khaki pants and a tight black t-shirt, which shows off every muscle in his upper body.
Not to mention the leather jacket he's worn over top of it all.

"Are you just going to stand there all night?"
Amy hollers from inside the car behind me.

"I'm going, I'm going."
I mumble.

I clutch my purse closer to my chest, beginning to stride my way towards him.
Despite the fact that I'm scared out of my mind - I feel oddly confident with my walk.

Ian is quick to feel me approaching.

"Hey there."
He smirks, placing his phone into his pocket.
He opens up his arms - inviting me in for a hug.

I comply, hustling over a little bit faster before making it into his embrace.
From so close, I notice he's also wearing a small gold chain necklace.

"Long time no see."
He chuckles, his chest vibrating.

I pull away, lowering my gaze towards the ground.
A million thoughts run through my head - but I don't have time to act upon them, as I feel Ian's hand grasp my chin.
He lifts my head upwards so I'm back to looking at him.

"Since when are you so shy?"

I giggle.
"I don't know.. I'm overwhelmed."

Ian looks around at all of the people in line.
They're loud, filling the atmosphere with an intense mood.

"How about we go inside?"

I nod my head in accordance, taking a big breath in to prepare myself for the night to come.

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