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"you are my favourite feeling."
- atticus

I've decided to make some time for myself.
After everything with Ian, to then going straight to helping Amy - I'm tuckered out.

As an introvert, as I like to consider myself one, I prefer alone time to recharge.
Some time to think things over without anyone else's input.

I thought a trip to the local coffee shop would be nice.

So, I grabbed my furry, hooded coat off of the coat hanger - opening the front door and walking out, all within a satisfying 20 seconds.


"Ivy! Long time no see."
Somebody hollers from the back of the store as I walk in.

I tilt my head upwards, to identify whom the mysterious voice belongs to.

I'm met with a friendly face - the owner, Melody.

"Hi! How have you been?"
I beam, walking a bit closer.

"Good, good."
She punches some numbers into the cash register, the money department springs open.
"Where'd you run off to?"

I study her movements carefully, getting kind of lost in thought.

"I mean, you used to come here every week. But then you just.."
She tries to think of the right words to say.


"Yep, that's it."

We laugh together.

"Stuff happened, I lost interest."
I slide a $5 bill towards her.
"Not of you, of course. Blueberry scone, please?"

She smiles, putting the cash into the register, closing it shut.
"I see your order has not changed."

"Not one bit."

She slides a scone my way, placed on the same detailed lavender napkin it's always been served on.
It's neatly designed with small, intricate flowers on every corner - outlined with a delicate wavy pattern.

"Thanks, you-"

Before I can finish my sentence, Melody begins yelling at somebody else who's just walked in.

"Ian! Welcome back."

Wait, what?

I turn around quickly, trying to place my eyes on him inside of this extremely crowded shop.
But I don't have to look much longer - Ian raises his hand, waving. If waves could speak, his would be yelling.

"I didn't know he came here."
I whisper to Melody, trying not to give away the fact that we're talking about him.

"Oh, yeah. He comes in just as much as you used to."

Ian's eyes lock in on mine - he's caught me staring.

I groan.
"He's seen me."

I whip back around, swiftly picking up the scone.

"You know him?"
Melody asks.

"Yeah.. it's a long story. I've gotta go."

And with that, I'm back in the crowd, loosing sight of Ian.
I take that as my opportunity to rush outside.

The second I step onto the patio, I let a big breath out - one I didn't even realize I was holding.
But the calmness quickly subsides as a big gust of wind comes rushing past, knocking my scone right out of my hand.

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