Branches and Sects of Heathenry

Start from the beginning

Fyrnsidu (meaning “old customs”) seeks to reconstruct the heathen beliefs and practices of the Anglo-Saxons.

Irminism focused on the veneration of the deity Irmin, who is “strong, might, all-encompassing”.  Most information on Irminism comes from the writings of Karl Maria Wiligut.

This branch of heathenry is Dutch folk traditions combined with Germanic paganism, focusing on the reconstruction of both practices.  Many practices originate from Southwestern Germany.

Theodism is a form of neo-paganism in North America that seeks to reconstruct practices and beliefs from several heathen branches across Europe (although initially focused on exclusively Anglo-Saxon paganism).

Non-Heathen Branches
These are branches that are not well accepted within the general heathen community, for one reason or another, or by definition are not considered heathen.

Rökkatru focuses on the worship of deities that are considered giants (and are neither Aesir or Vanir), such as Hel, Fenrir, Loki, etc.  As many deities honored within Rökkatru were not historically worshipped and/or represent chaotic concepts, it is not well accepted within the general heathen community.

Dísitru, as the name implies, focuses on the veneration of the dísir spirits (which includes valkyries, female ancestral spirits, some goddesses, landvaettir, etc.).

Thursatru is known often as a blend of Satanism and Heathenry, and it was started by a member of the band Arckanum.  It focuses on veneration of the giants and elemental beings in Norse cosmology.  Additionally, it focuses on chaos and is a left-hand path.

Norse/Saxon Wicca
Norse/Saxon Wicca is essentially Wicca with an influence from heathenry.  It is most common that Norse/Saxon Wiccans use heathen deities to represent Wiccan concepts.  As it is Wiccan, it is not considered a heathen group.

Waincraft branched off of the Vanatru movement, and they believe that the Vanir tribe is an earlier tribe than the Aesir that are indigenous to Europe before being oppressed by the Aesir.

Northern Tradition Paganism/Shamanism
Northern Tradition Paganism is a branch created by Raven Kaldera.  While he claims to not be a reconstructionist or heathen, it is clear that his branch is heavily influenced by heathenry.  Personally, I advise against this branch, as there is a ton of cultural appropriation, relies almost entirely on UPG, and has caused abuse.

Lokeans venerate almost exclusively the deity Loki (differing from Rökkatru), as well as the members of his family (such as Sigyn, Fenrir, Hel, etc.).  Odin is occasionally venerated by Lokeans as well, considering their brotherhood.  However, Lokeans are not a heathen group, as many do not follow other key beliefs and customs in heathenry.

Odinism, as the name implies, focuses on Odin at the beginning of the practices.  Ancestral work and ceremonial magick are also large parts of this branch.  However, it’s important to note that many modern Odinism groups are overrun with white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Heathen Eclecticism
Heathen Eclecticism, while not a group, refers to those who pull from multiple paths with a heavy influence from Heathenry.  Again, this is not a heathen branch, as most customs and beliefs of heathenry are not followed.

Within each branch of heathenry, there are sects as well (with folkism, universalism, and tribalism being the most well known).  Some branches are more heavily one sect than other, and it’s important to research what sect different organizations subscribe to.

Folkism believes that only descendants of Europeans, in particular Germanic and Norse people, are able to practice heathenry (the exception by few being adoption into a culture).  This sect contains many white supremacists who romanticize an all-white society (failing to recognize how vikings spread beliefs to non-European countries and cultures around the world).  Naturally, ancestral veneration is common in Folkish groups.  Folkism also tends to focus heavily on reconstruction and tradition, avoiding UPG as much as possible.

Universalism believes that all people, regardless of origin, can practice heathenry.  Universalists do not tend to adhere as strictly to traditions, allowing more space for UPG.

Tribalism is a blend between Folkism and Universalism, not caring who can practice heathenry (although some may be confused why those without heritage would want to practice) while finding a balance between modern practices and tradition.

Traditionalism is similar to Folkism in believing that ethnic ties are important, but are less likely to use a group to project such opinions or promote radical/fascist ideology.  They often live in seclusion, and try to imitate the lifestyle of the ancient heathens as much as possible.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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