Personally, I don't mind what movie we watch. I prefer chick-flicks, you know like, Mean Girls, Clueless... stuff like that. But I'm not really paying attention to the screen right now. Mason's message still echoing in my head. Pulling out my phone, I struggle trying to type out the words I want to say. My fingers dance around the keyboard.

I can't leave him on read? I'm not a monster.

Or you can forget about him? Why does it matter to you? Both of y'all haven't said anything nice to each other since 9th grade.

Okay but this is a NICE message though, can't I return the favor?

Alinna it's the bare minimum.

Shaking off these conflicting thoughts, I toss my phone beside my pillow and stare out my window. Allowing me to have a clear view of Mason's house, especially Mason's room. I see he has his lights on and I sigh.

Stalker much?

Amira turns around and frowns, "Why are you so gloomy Alinna?" and lays right next to me. I take my pillow and squish my face into the satin pillowcase, muffling my scream. Why must things be so difficult for me and him? Sure, he's the reason for almost all of my problems but when he plays this hot-and-cold game, it makes me think that maybe he won't be such a pain. When we were children, it was so much easier, because he wasn't always this closed off. He used to love hanging out with people. He used to love hanging out... with me–and Paris. Yeah Paris, Him, and Me. The three of us. Together. That's all.

Now don't get it twisted, Mason wasn't the silent brooding type. He was more of a cocky, witty guy, who will annoy you if he happens to be in the same room as you kinda type. He always had some snarky remark up his sleeve and an arrogant smirk on his face that'd make you want to slap him into the next century. But if he wasn't like that, he was harsh and rude. He'd cut you off and you hanging for days or even weeks at a time, leaving you wondering if you did anything to upset him.

I'll give you a quick rundown of Mason and I's history. We've always lived across the street from one another and we always fought over the stupidest things. Not to mention we'd compete over everything, but it was how we were, we were happy...I think. Ninth grade came around and he kinda left me high and dry. After that, things got more serious and we started to grow more hatred towards one another, fueling a need for constantly competing to show who was better at what, it was so draining.

And It always left me wondering where I went wrong.

How did I lose my best friend?

As the movie ends, Paris lays down on the other side of me and waves her hand in front of my face. "Earth to Alinna! Hello?" I snap out of my thoughts and stammer,

"Yeah, yeah, um... it's just, Mason texted me earlier today and I've been struggling to put my thoughts into words." Amira rolls off the bed and heads to my bathroom, as she takes off her hijab and brushes out her hair, she yells.

"Well what'd he say?" While trying to untangle the knots of her dark long wavy hair. She then starts to brush her teeth. Paris takes this as an opportunity to chime in.

" can just save the headache and click 'Block this Caller' and BOOM! Stress free with no worries."

Glaring at Paris she disagrees and explains. "Don't be so mean Paris, maybe he's having a rough day-"

"Pfft, more like a rough life." Amira scowls at her and braids her hair while walking to me. She sits down beside me and says,

"Give me your phone." Her hand reaches outward and waits for me to hand her my phone. Before handing it to her, Paris notices Amira without her hijab and quickly flips around and looks away from Amira,

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