They continued to eat, drink and be merry. The ride home was a quiet one, other than the radio being played and the sing along here and there. They got home and went to their rooms to shower the day away. Isabelle eventually made her way to Estelle's room like she always did.

"Bruh, I'm nervous," Isabelle yelled into the bathroom.

Estelle was putting on her clothes and shea butter and Isabelle made herself comfortable on the bed.

"Girl, don't be nervous! It ain't no different than the performances we do anywhere else," Estelle shrugged, "we're meeting him after anyway, he's already seen us."

"But what if he comes to see us again? It's different when someone like him is watching," Isabelle sighed.

"Well it ain't like we ain't never performed in front of him. Y'all don't know what he looks like, so you're gonna do fine."

Estelle hopped in the bed and turned on the TV and Isabelle bid her goodnight. She fell asleep around 2 that morning and was back up around noon. The show that night was a local bar in Kissimmee.

They did their soundcheck well before it was time for the bar to open and they had nothing but time to kill. They decided to go to the strip mall and waste some time. They bought a few new outfits and knickknacks for the house and grabbed another bite to eat before heading back to the bar. They were set to go on in about 30 minutes, so they headed to the dressing room to warm up.

"Bruh my hands are shaking so bad," Estelle said.

Isabelle looked surprised.

"Now weren't you the one that said not to be nervous? Or am I confusing you with someone else?"

Brielle just laughed at the twins' banter, continuing her vocal and finger exercises. Estelle played drums, Isabelle was on bass and Brielle also played guitar. The lyrics were a collaborative effort, but the instrumentals were usually done by Estelle. Sometimes Isabelle and Brielle would tweak some parts, but Estelle mostly held it down. Brielle, being the oldest, was in charge of food, hotel stays and transportation and Isabelle was in charge of wardrobe. They collaboratively worked as manager, each getting places booked and people listening.

They didn't really have a set genre, but they could mesh well with anyone from Bruno Mars to Lenny Kravitz to Slash. They had a unique sound and could appeal to everyone.

"Yeah, I was just trying to cheer you up! Hell my heart is racing so fast, I feel like I could run a marathon," Estelle sighed.

Isabelle just rolled her eyes and continued her finger stretches and Estelle diddled away on her practice pad. Then Brielle started her obnoxious AEIOU vocal warmups. They were done rather quickly, with about 10 minutes to spare. They did their prayer, gave each other hugs and went to the hall position.

While they were there, Estelle saw Tim coming in, followed by 3/4 of Alter Bridge. She could have fainted right there.

"Oh fuck," she sighed to herself.


There was a huge pop of applause and cheers in the bar as they headed up on stage to take their places. Brielle was pumped and ready, introducing the first song.

"Thanks, how y'all feel?!"

Everyone hooped and hollered.

"This first one's called Give It Away... Go!"

Once Estelle hit that first note, she was in the zone. She finally relaxed and let herself feel the music. The girls were giving it their all and the crowd was eating it up. They had a mixed set of their songs and covers and before they knew it, their set was over.

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