Chapter 10

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       A few hours later I woke up to tapping on my shoulder. "Hey (Y/N) wake up it's time to get ready." Said Jason softly in my ear . I sat up and looked at Jason. He smiled at me and got up and left. I stood up and walked to my vanity and started to get ready . After I was done doing my hair and my makeup. I turned to my dress. I quickly slipped into it and looked in the mirror. I heard my door open . I turned around to see Jason in fancy clothes . " O-oh hi J-Jason ." I said stuttering like a fool while blushing. He stared at me while I was staring at the ground. " You are beautiful" Jason said. " Thank you " I said back. " are you ready to go ?" Jason said. "Yea " i said. He went up to me and picked me up. " Ok close your eyes " . I did as he said closing my eyes tight.  After closing my eyes it felt as if I was twisting and turning though the air . " Ok you can open your eyes now. " I heard Jason say . I opened my eyes to see we were in front of a mansion . Jason gently placed me on the ground holding my hand . I could not stop blushing. We walked up to the door and Jason opened it. I was amazed. The inside was beautiful. He walked us to a door that was on the right of the main entrance. I was so amazed I did not notice Jason talking to what looked like a clown . " So Jason who is this lady?" He said . " Well this is (Y/N)"Jason told him . " Hello (Y/N) I'm laughing jack but you can call me L.J." . " So shall we go in"  Jason asked. He grabbed my hand and all 3 of us walked in to a beautiful room filled with tons of people . I looked around to see food on several tables one even filled with bottles of wine and beer . Several people were dancing to the music .     Jason took my hand and we started to enjoy the ball . 1 hour later someone came on the microphone." Hello everyone I hope you had fun tonight now go back to your room or realm .". "Ok (Y/N) let's go home . He picked me up , I closed my eyes and the twisting and turning started. I opened my eyes and we were home .

(A/N) thank you so much for all the support I never thought i would get so many views on my first story. Sadly this is my last chapter but this is not the end of (Y/N)'s family's story
To be continued in my next story...

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