Chapter 7

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          I woke up to the smell of great food . I went up to the door expecting it to be locked but it was open so I went out and fallowed the smell . I fallowed it to a kitchen filled with dolls making food. I went through another door wit lead to a dining room with a big long table . I looked around a noticed Jason at the end of the table. He was twisting his long red hair around his finger . He then looked around and noticed me . As soon as he noticed me he ran up to me and asked " I knew you would come!!" He said excited. " Uh... yeah!" I said confused. He then picked me up and sat me in a seat beside his . "How did you find your way here?" He asked me . I was looking around and didn't noticed he asked me something. I looked back at him . He was looking straight at me. "How did you find your way here?" He sternly. " I-I  fallowed the smell." I said. "Ok" he said. I began looking around the room again . All of the sudden the kitchen door opened and there stood a little doll with black curly hair . She walked up to Jason and said something you could not hear . Jason smiled and said " Ok bring it out.". The doll went back to the kitchen and a few seconds later tons of dolls walked out with tons of food . My mouth was wide open . I looked at him . He was impressed himself. The dolls set it on the table and gave us plates . I said thank you and we stared to get food and eat . I was eating a piece of chicken when Jason asked me "Is it good". " Y-yea" I said. After we got done eating he picked me up . I was not prepared for that. He took me to my room. He sat down on my bed and put me on his lap. "W-what are y-you doing?" He said nothing .  He put his hand on my hair and began to run his fingers through my hair. " you have such pretty hair" he said. When he was done he looked at me and said " (Y/N) I have a question? What is your past?" "U-uh" I was so taken back by this question. " W-well if you really want to know I'll tell you." " Me and my twin sister were born to our mom and dad. We were a pretty normal family. When Me and my twin sister were 6 , our mother and father told use We had a sister that was to much of a handful and they had to put her up for adoption . I don't remember the day she went to the orphanage , but my dad said I was 4 when it happened. When me and my twin sister was 8 my mother was pregnant with a little boy . His name was going to be (B/N) . A few months passed and it was time for him to be born . That day was the turning point of my life . We were in the waiting room . Waiting to be able to see my mother and new baby brother . We had been there for a hour when a nurse came to us and asked " are y'all here for (M/N) . Yes we all said . She looked at us a told us  something I did not want to hear . She told us my baby brother and mother died in child birth . When we went home everything changed . Father strated going out more and not coming home for days or even weeks . My sister went to her friends  house any chance she had . I had to learn to live on my own with little money . It was like that for 8 years. when I turned 15 I had enough money from work to buy my own place. But I still had my senior year of high school to finish. My sister and her friends made that year difficult with all there bullying. When I turned 16 is when all of this started. " I looked back at Jason he looked like he was going to cry . But then I noticed I was crying. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that (Y/N)" he said looking at me pulling me close to him and wrapping his arms around me .

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