Chapter 6

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(A/N) I adjusted how much you were scared of Jason so now you are actually kinda scared of Jason.
          I opened my eyes after sleeping that night . The first thing I saw was Jason at the side of my bed staring at me . " How long have you been there!!!"  I said quickly straightening up . He just sat there in thought. "Hello?" I said. " Oh sorry I was thinking about something." He said .  He then grabbed my hand and lead out the door of my room. Then there was a burst of color . His place seemed straight out of a comic book.  My mouth was hanging wide open. " I new you would like it!!!!" I looked at him he looked like a excited child . " Uh.. yeah it's great! ". He grabbed my hand again and we proceeded down the hall into small room with a desk that has scattered several tools all over it . " Sorry it's a bit messy right now.". He than lead you to the desk. He sat down and then picked me up and put me on his lap. " I have to finish up a doll" he said looking down on you . "O-ok" I said my cheeks getting a little red. It was weird but I kinda liked it . Know he at least cares that I'm not alone . After a while I started to get sleepy and I leaned over on him. What I was not going to sleep sitting straight up! I snuggled in to his chest and started to drift off to sleep . I heard a music box toon play and it helped me go to sleep. I closed to my eyes and went to sleep.

(Jason POV)
        I was just working on a doll when felt something on my chest. I looked down and it was (Y/N) . When I saw this I my music played louder . She seemed to fall asleep instantly. I continued to work on the doll . When I was done I picked up my sleeping doll . Yeah MY sleeping doll. I picked her up and carried her to her room and put her on her bed . "Sweet dreams doll".

The toymaker(completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora