Please mom, please come home.

Suddenly Roland's phone rang and he stepped out to answer it.

I turned the shower off and grabbed my towel.

After a few minutes Roland came back with a bigger and even creepier smile. "Your mom is staying out all night" he cheesed.

"Go put on your pajamas and lay in your mom and I's bed. You can sleep with me tonight".

I nodded. "What are you supposed to say Jayda.", he asked grabbing my face. "Y-Yes", I answered.

"Yes what".

"Yes daddy".

This was something Roland did constantly. He would watch me all the time. He told me he needed to look at me naked in order to be ready to fuck my mom. In the end I found out the reason my mom was always gone and didn't care about what was going on. She was cheating on Roland with a man, who told her if she had kids he would leave her. So she never took me with her . In order to keep her new man happy.

I hated my life. I wanted to die. Ella and Dess hung around me at this time so I would stay with them as much as I could

Although it's not like their lives were the best either

Until finally I moved in with Dess and we moved in with her Aunt. Her aunt was our legal guardian and we still talk to her till this day. I am forever thankful she saved me from what could've become a lot worse.

Dess's Story

"Toughen up Destiny", my dad yelled. " Right. You look like a pussy", my mom teased.

I wiped my tears and stood tall. They always do this. My mom laughed before throwing another high heel at me.
This was hit me square in the chest. I gasped before clutching my chest.

"Here she go with that soft shit", my dad is rolled his eyes. "I'm not soft!", I screamed. "I just have feelings".

"Feelings won't help you win in life", My mom retorted. "You think your dad And I got so successful from FEELINGS. No we were tough. We were strong. We werent crybabies".

I said nothing. "I can't believe my own daughter is such a little bitch. Going around here crying, asking for attention . Asking for love", she said to my dad.

He shook his head. "It's disappointing Destiny. You're a warrior. Act like it."

I was so confused. I never knew why it was so wrong to want love and attention. Especially from your own parents.

They saw things so different. I was never allowed to do anything. Just sit here and deal with the bullying . They always said they do this to toughen me up. It wasn't tough love. It was just tough.

I mean shit I was only 14! My parents never said 'I love you' , they barely spoke to me . When they did it was just hate and mean.

Even in my hospital pics when I was first born. My aunt was the one holding me, I even hav
Pics with the fucking nurse!

I was taken out of my thoughts when my mom threw a boot to my face. This knocked me off my feet.

"Fucking weak.", she spat . She stepped on me before walking out the room. I groaned in pain. "Get your shit together", my dad growled before leaving me.

Why was I treated like this?

This went on for at least another year. Until the day my aunt visited. She was someone Jayda and I always vented to. This was the day she decided enough was enough and took us in with her. We stayed close just to still remain by Ella, CJ and Blue.

They were our protection before my aunt came. My parents jumped at the chance to get rid of me and moved away. I hadn't seen or spoken to them since. My aunt was my mom.

Ella was there a lot too. Her dad worked a lot and of course she didn't want to be lonely. We all fell into this giant family . And im forever grateful.

Ella's Story

"Momma where are we going", a 7 year old me asked excitedly. "Just be quiet Ella", she said sternly. I huffed and stared out the window. Seeing all the unfamiliar places. Until i seen water.

"Oh yayyyy mommy we're going swimming. You're the best mommy ever", I said doing a little dance in my seat. My momma smiled at me before parking the car.

"Give me your hand", she said opening my door. I took it and we walked over to the water. "Momma how are we gonna get down there from this bridge", I asked tugging on her dress.

She ignored me. I could see she had tears in her eyes. She picked me up. "Put your head down Ella", she said.

I placed my head into her neck. Just then I heard a car speed up to us. I looked and it was my dad. "Iris please don't do this", he yelled getting out the car.

Seeing his face and seeing how scared he looked scared me. I immediately began crying for him. "Daddy", I screamed.

"You're not taking my Ella from me", my mom yelled. She climbed over the rail and held onto it with one hand . I continued to cry in her arms. "Momma I want daddy", I cried.

"Daddy doesn't want you. If I have to go so do you", she said.

That what the last thing she said before she just jumped.

I screamed until water began to rush over me. My mom let me go once we landed in the water. I opened my eyes and seen she was smiling at me.

I was gonna die. I began trying to swim my way up but the current was strong.

I knew it was over . I closed my eyes, preparing to die.

Then I felt the water moving abovme. I was immediately yanked to the top. I coughed and coughed as I clung onto whoever pulled me up. "I got you , I got you", a stranger said . It was an older man. He placed me in a small boat and rowed us all the way to the shore. Where my dad was running near us.

After I was out the water, my dad hugged me and the man. I was safe. I looked back at the water. "Momma's gone".

The man who rescued me happened to be fishing when he saw my mom jump he immediately moved the boat to where we fell. He saved my life. My dad and I met up with him a while after that. His name was Evan. He passed of old age when I was 16, but he was still in my heart.

My dad took care of me as good as he could. I was in a deep, dark depression for a while and therapy was pretty expensive. That's why I started YouTube. To pay for my mental health.

I loved my dad. He passed when a few months after my 19th birthday, from a fight with colon cancer.

Although I wanted to die after finding out he was dying. He told me , I was here for a reason. That man was there to save me for a reason. I was supposed to be here to be great.


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