Chapter 25: An unknown home

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" Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Sanem. Happy birthday to you."

I squeal, leaning forward to blow out the seventeen candles on my cake. Mum and dad applaud madly, shouting ' Hip hip, hurray. Hip hip, hurray." I smile, joining in on their cheering, jumping up from my chair at the kitchen table to go and prance around the living room in a joyful daze.

" This is the best birthday ever!" I exclaim, climbing up onto the couch to bounce up and down in glee. Mum and Dad laugh, throwing their arms around me and we all embrace in a warm group hug.

" Natalie and Chase will be here soon," Mum releases us, backing away to the kitchen to cut the cake, " We better eat this before they get here. Oh, and open your presents, my perfect angel." She calls back.

Dad helps me down from the couch, ruffling my black hair out of its ponytail. But I don't mind.

" Coming," I bound away from dad and back into the kitchen, sitting at the table again. Mum brandishes a knife and begins to cut the cake in front of me. It is vanilla, my favorite. When she's done, mum runs the knife under the tap and dryers it off with a tea towel. Dad appears and takes out the plates, placing one at each place on the table.

Finally, I get to serve the cake, taking the biggest piece for myself and handing mum and dad a middle-sized one. We eat in silence, savoring every morsel of food. It's not too often that you get food like this in Imiopia. When I've finished I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and sit back, pleased with the flavors still swirling around on my tongue.

" Now," Mum claps her hands together, " Time for the presents."

I laugh as she disappears out of the kitchen, then returns with three, well wrapped, small gifts. Smiling, I take them from her, and she sits back down in her seat. Dad leans his elbows on the table, waiting for me to open them. I comply, tearing at the wrapping paper until it's all gone. The present underneath startles me. It is a gift card for the famous jewelry shop down in town. I've never been able to afford anything from there before. But now, here are fifty dollars to spend on whatever I want.

"Ohmygod, thank you, mum and dad." I hold the card to my chest, thanking them. Next, I unwrap a pair of white jeggings, perfect for winter. And last is a small music box, that plays a long lost song about two lovers, that find each other through time and destiny.

I'm just thanking them for the fourth time when someone knocks rapidly on our front door. Jumping up from the table I run to answer it.

" Happy birthday!" Natalie shouts when she sees me, trying to hug me without squashing the present she is holding. I step out from the door frame and shut the door behind. Natalie and I descended the steps, walking down our narrow driveway and out onto the main road. Cars and buses whizz down the street, beeping their horn at us as they pass. We wave back, strolling arm in arm along the concrete footpath.

" So, do you feel seventeen yet?" Natalie questions me, grinning from ear to ear. Her chocolate brown hair sways back and forth, brushing my shoulder. I chuckle.

" Not quite yet. But hopefully, I will soon."

" Well, I'm sure after we watch this movie you'll definitely feel older."

We both giggle at her suggestive comment and walk on to Chase's house. He lives just a block down from me, and he and Natalie have been going out for a year now. All three of us have been best friends since we were in kindergarten.

" I'll quickly run and get him," Natalie shoves her present into my arms, then jogs up Chase's driveway, knocking on his wooden door. Chase answers immediately, pulling her in for a quick kiss, then running down the driveway to sweep me into a big bear hug. I yelp as he spins me around, then lowers me down to the ground again, smiling.

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