Chapter 3: Goodbye

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It's just getting dark as I reach the city of Imiopia. Shadows of the night are starting to come out and play. Not many people are on the streets. They're all either at clubs or their houses. I stick to the main roads, avoiding alleyways. If I still didn't feel negative emotions, I'd have nothing to fear. But now my stupid mind is messed up and for some reason, meeting strangers on the deserted street feels like a bad thing to do.

It takes a while to navigate the darkened city, but after many wrong turns, I reach my house. I can see the lights are still on inside, and mum and dad are awake. Their shadows are currently moving around the kitchen.

Trying to be as silent as possible, I tiptoe up to the front door. Climbing the steps, I slowly turn the handle.

Suddenly the door is flung wide open. I freeze, my hand still millimetres from the now open doorway. Dad stands before me, looking as plane as ever.

"Hi." I squeak, letting my hand relax back down to my side. He eyes me suspiciously.

"Where have you been?"

All hope of sneaking into my room undetected runs away. Straightening to my full height, I answer.

"Just checking out this new club."

Dad nods slowly.

"Was it any good?"

My hands start sweating and I avoid eye contact.

"Yeah, it was awesome."

"Well, off to bed with you now."

Dad stands aside and waves a hand lazily at my room down the hall. Sighing, I squeeze past him and try to act normal as I hurry away from him. When I reach my room I run inside and close the door behind me. letting out a long-held breath I finally sink to the floor.

everything has changed. Not just my fate. But everything. My feelings, my life and everything I worked so hard to achieve. Gone.

Now I have to start from scratch again. Now I have to rebuild the walls that surround me.

I don't even have proof that the things that the lady told me are true. But something deep inside me is constantly echoing her words: Invidia has changed your fate. Her nasty evil sister.

How am I supposed to continue? But then it clicks. I can't continue. Everything is now against this life I've been living. There's nothing left to do. It's like a door has been opened in my emotions. All these new feelings are constantly bombarding my senses. I am completely vulnerable. If someone so much as stole something, I'd go all how-dare-you mode. There is just no turning back. Not anymore.

The time for running has passed.

I can't keep going with my life as nothing has changed at all. I'd never be able to lie to my parents for all eternity.

I lift my head, resigned.

I know what I must do now. I met that lady for a reason. And it's not like I've never thought of what is beyond the Dome. In reality, ever since I was young, I've always fantasised about other people living outside. What would normal be like? It's never been in my nature to just believe what everyone tells me. I need proof. And that's probably why it's so easy to accept what the lady told me. But that part about her being a goddess and all... well, let's just say I'm still thinking about it.

Suddenly a faint knocking comes from my closed door. I immediately get to my feet and hastily wipe away some tears I didn't even know slipped out.

"Coming," I call taking a deep breath. Walking to the door I hesitate for a moment longer. Then twist the handle and pull it open. Mum is standing on the other side. She is smiling.

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