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I'm in the class now listening to the teacher, will to be honest I'm not because of Jungkook. This is my first time that someone treats me and I'm nervous as hell right now, what if he will bully me everyday, but I wish he doesn't
*Deep Sigh*

I am now at the gate of the school waiting for Ace, will Ace is my new friend and we meet because of this project that were gonna work now at his place, ohh and by the way his handsome and hot as hell XD as I was waiting him jungkook cane out of nowhere "Why are you here?" He ask me with his cold glares "Nine of your business" I said to him felling annoyed "Are you meeting up with someone?" He ask again but before I can answer back "What if she does?" Ace suddenly appear at my back making me and Jungkook look at him "Ohhh.. Ace thanks god your finally here" I said "just ignore him Ace" I continue "Are you two dating?" Jungkook suddenly said made me froze and slowly turning my head to him, and that was my biggest mistake that I did "What if we are" Ace said making Jungkook punch him him in his face "Yaahh, Jungkook what's your problem" I shout to him while helping Ace stand up, but Jungkook grab my wrist and pull me towards him "Don't you fucking touch her again" Jungkook shout at Ace and drag me away from Ace "Yaahhh Jeon Freaking Jungkook what's your problem huh?" I said aa I yank away my hand into his grip "Is that true Mae Ri, that you and that bastard is dating?" Jungkook said "thats not your business" I answer him back "No you can't" he said "And why. This is my life not yours" I said to him "You can't because you are only MINE, JUST MINE" He said to me, " Are you serious right now. Stop dreaming that I'm going to be yours cause I won't let that happen" I said and start to walk away but I heard him said "Let see" *chuckle*.

Third Person P.O.V.

When Mae Ri walk away Jungkook fish his phone in his pocket and started to dial someone.

*On the phone*
"Yes Jungkook?"
"Continue the plan"

And with that jungkook ended the call.

Ommmoo what is Jungkook planing?
Sorry because I didn't update and this update is ssooooo short but don't worry i will try to make the chapters long, and btw for the next will be much slower. Please support me in this and vote💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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