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I wake up because of this annoying alarm"Haaaahhaaayyyy(I don't what is the sound of yawning 😁) Oh hello there I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Park Mae Ri, I live in the Philippines, yeah  I'm korean and half filipino but now I just live in the Philippines and my parents are so busy in their business so I leave alone in our house" I get up on my bed still annoyed in that alarm I walk to the shower to take a bath and head down stairs to cook my own breakyy.

When I got out of my house and head to the bus stop to go to my school. Yeah I'm early today because we have an program in our school and their has an guest.

I arrived in to my school and head to my locker to get my books for my first subject.


I got in my room and seat to my regular seat, later our subject teacher arrive and announce that their has a popular boy group that coming in our school but they will arrive on 3pm, and that teacher said that we no lessons today due to the visitors and she said the 'magic word' class dismiss. In that all students stand together and run outside the room.


Im heading to the school gate when I bumped someone(A/N:I know you know who is this or maybe not XD), I look at him but I didn't see his face because he quickly run away "stupid jerk" I mumble in my self and start walking away. I went to my favorite cafe not to far in my school so thats why I like this cafe. "Hi miss how can I help you?" The lady said "Uhhhmmm I want....." "One americano. And please make it hurry" someone interupt me "yahh who are you" I said as I turn around "and how dare you?" I said as I raised one of my eyebrow. But he said nothing and push me away and grab his drink and got out of the cafe . " How dare he. Ayssshh" "uhmmm miss what is your order" "Nothing" I said and walk out of the cafe "Aysshhh that man is getting in my nerves..... Errrrrhhhhhhh" I said, and stop my tracks "wait is he that stupid jerk that bump me earlier?.......... Yeah it's him....... STUPID JERK" I said and get home because our teacher said we don't have class so why would I stay in the school and maybe I will meet again that stupid jerk.

I arrived at my house and I threw my bag to godest-knows-where and immediately jump in the sofa and open my ig. As I was scrolling down my phone suddenly our teacher chat to our gc and said that "we have an one week vacation" "ooommmo! What will I do on one whole week?"


10:00AM WED.
I woke up because someone call me in my phone."Hello?" I answer without looking the callers ID "Eerrrmm....Mae Ri, we decided that from tommorow you will live in korea" "whhhhyyy" I said "because if you live in korea I can often visit you" my mother said in calm tone "ok" I said because I wanted to see my mother to "ok, your things you will leave tomorrow 8:00pm " "ok" with that she hung up "yaaaaaaaaaaayyh i will live in korea!!" Yes that is one of my wish. What you are confused why I didn't live in korea thus years while we have an company?? Well the answer is just my parents didn't want because of the many reasons they gave to me but I will live in korea.

I went out of my house to go shopping so that I will have many items to bring to korea.

                             —TIME SKIP—

I got finished my shopping and I immediately go in the shower to take some refreshment and I got pack all my dress and all I bought earlier.

I arrive in the airport and I'm here waiting for my airplane to take off. Its 8:30 and we finally got off 30 mins ago, so I decided to sleep until we arrive in korea.


So guys hope you like it and did you guess who is that guy who bump Mae Ri and from the cafe shop aka 'stupid jerk'?

And please vote and sorry for mistakes thank you💕

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