Chapter 33: We Spend Wayyy Too Much Time Together

Começar do início

"Hey." Dad and Mom said, coming into Ray's room. I need to use her laptop, so I'm in here.

"Hey parents."

"You can tell them to come over Somi, I don't want you here by yourself for too long." Mom added. I nodded and they left out to go somewhere.

I just replaced her Pandora with mines and turned the dock on, put her laptop on the charger and got on Tumblr.

About half an hour Tumblr was starting to get dry so I got onto WeHeartIt. I heard the front door open and feet come up the steps.

"Citaaaa! I am home, and I come bearing gifts!" She said all perky as she came down the hallway. "Close your eyes."

I looked back at Tumblr. "No, I don't trust people." I looked up and saw THOSE people that abandoned me yesterday. "Hey strangers."

They all recited their heartfelt apologies, we all made up and then the rest of my people came up the steps. All except Nique, Deandre, and Rico. I wonder where Nique has been for the past 3 days..

Anyways, so it is just me, Marques, Immanuel, Dani, Alex, Charisma, Adrianna, and Rayne.

"So, I'm sure there was less drama at school today since I wasn't there." I said, they all laughed. "Why are you laughing?"

"Charisma almost fought Janessa, Dani almost fought Adrianna, Alex and Rima almost broke up. Typical drama." Ray told me as she looked at a text message and smiled. Probably Deandre.

"What'd you do?" I asked Dani, smiling.

"Your brother thinks that I am coming between Rico and Adrianna, but I.." She trailed off.

"And what does Rico think?"

She looked at Adrianna. "..That he really likes her, and tha- you know what? What he said isn't important, me and her made up after you went to class babe." She told Manny as she sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck. 

"Yeah, what happened?"

"I have known RJ for a really long time, and I have never seen him this happy about a girl so-" Dri cut her off.

"So we decided that we had to get along for his sake."

"That is so sweet, but where are the adults?" Rayne asked.

"They went somewhere.." I told her as I refreshed my dashboard again. 

I noticed Alex was sitting under the window looking weird, so I went over there and sat next to him discreetly.

"So how was your day, elevator shaft?" I said. He smiled remembering the nickname I gave him. I told him that whenever he annoys me, I'm gonna name something that I can push him down to paralyze him.

"Besides the fact that I almost lost Charisma today, I'm good."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Janessa came over to the table at lunch today and told Rima I had some nice lips and it went all downhill from there." I chuckled. "Seriously Somi I felt like you really were about to push me down an elevator shaft." He whispered nervously.

"Well was it as hard to get her back as it usually is?"


"Sounds like you got what wanted, then." I told him.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Well I know that Ques would kill to have me trust him a little bit more, but you have to be careful what you wish for." I told him. He looked at me. "If I automatically listen to every excuse/reason Ques tells me after something hits the fan, then we're not going to fight..which means we won't be able to make-up, and where is the fun in that?"

Am I Ready?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora