"I know," I said softly as I continued to walk away from the trauma unit and towards my office in the hospital.

Angelina continued to cry and shout and I continued to try and soothe her until we reached my office. I walked in, locking the door behind me.

I carried a sobbing Angelina over to the couch where I set her down next to me.

As soon as I let go of her, she was up and running for the door. I managed to catch her before she reached it, bringing her back to the couch.

"Let's just sit here for a bit, okay Angelina?"
"No! I have to see her! I want my mum!" She cried and my heart broke for her.

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but, your mum didn't make it," I said gently.
"She's not dead!" She yelled. "She can't be dead. She's not!"

I pulled Angelina into a hug as I comforted her. She fought my hold for a bit, hitting at me and trying to get away. I didn't let go, knowing she'd make a break for the door as soon as I did.

It wasn't long before I felt her relax against me, her arms going round my back as she sobbed into me.

I held Angelina as she cried for what felt like a very long time. I had a free morning (most of my appointments are out of school hours) so I could spend as much time here as needed.

After quite awhile, just as Angelina was calming down, a knock sounded at the door.

"Are you okay to sit here for a minute whilst I go see who that is?" I asked, keeping my voice quiet and calm.

Angelina nodded, pulling away from me a bit. I stood up, about to answer the door when I really looked at Angelina.

She was of a small build. Her dark brown hair was tangled, her blue eyes red and puffy. Tear stains ran down her cheeks and her arms were wrapped around her knees as she hugged them to her chest. She was only wearing a vest top and shorts; she looked cold.

I walked over to a cupboard at the side of the room and took out a blanket. Carrying it back over to Angelina, I crouched down in front of her and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. She immediately pulled it closer to her, curling into an even tighter ball, snuggled in the blanket.

However, as I gave her the blanket, I noticed a patch of blood on her shorts. I would have to talk to her about that in a minute.

"I'll be back in a minute," I told her and she barely glanced up.

I stood up and walked over to the door, opening it just as another knock sounded.

Outside the door was a man. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. He was of fairly average build and a similar height to me.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I asked as I stepped outside the room and shut the door behind me.
"You're Dr Hemmings, right?" He asked.
"Yes I am."
"I'm here for Angelina."

"Are you her father?" I asked. I wasn't just going to hand Angelina over to a random man without some information as to who he was.
"No, I'm her social worker," the man said and my eyes widened in surprise.

So the woman and not been Angelina's birth mother, or had she been spending time with her when it happened.

"Finley Turner," he introduced himself, holding out his hand for me to shake.
"Luke Hemmings," I said, shaking his hand.

"Can I take Angelina then?" he asked "I have a new placement set up so she does have somewhere to go."
"What do you mean 'new placement'? Who was she living with before the accident?"
"Just Anna. She was Angelina's adoptive mother," Finley said.

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