He was hired on the spot by the warehouse, they needed someone to start right away lugging boxes and doing heavy lifting. Nash worked long hours, he picked up overtime so that he could save for a deposit on an apartment, the children went to the local school and then Hayes would stay with Skylynn alone in the motel until Nash would get home.

They were all miserable, especially the first couple of weeks after leaving. The motel room only had a small fridge and a microwave so everything that they bought had to be microwaveable.

By the end of Nash talking, Cameron is wiping his tears away. He's so angry and upset that Kitty had forced them into that situation. Cameron will never be able to forgive her, he never wants to see her again.

"My parents signed this farm and house over to me, it's all mine." Cameron tells Nash softly and Nash's eyes widen.

"Oh my god, baby. That's amazing!" Nash is so happy for Cameron because he knows Cameron worked hard to learn the ropes and make sound decisions about running the farm.

"We should go get whatever stuff you guys have at the motel." Cameron tells Nash and he agrees. They get ready quickly and check in on Hayes before letting Rosa know what they'll be back in a few hours.

Rosa was so happy to see Skye and Hayes run into the kitchen in the morning for breakfast. She doesn't need to know what happened, all that matters is that they're back. She sees the happiness that had been missing from Cameron's face since they left. He had looked empty and forlorn, but it's all gone now.

Cameron and Nash drive over to the motel, it's old and decrepit. The hallways smell like smoke and looks like they haven't been cleaned in years. Nash opens the door to their small room and Cameron takes a look around.

All of the furniture is old and stained, all of the money that the tenants pay clearly goes into the owner's pockets and not into improving the motel. He wants to get out of there as soon as possible so he helps Nash pack up all their stuff and they carry it out to his pick up truck. Once they're done they stop by the front desk to hand over the keys. Cameron pays the balance on the room despite Nash's argument.

They get back into the car and Cameron speeds home, he grips the wheel tightly as he tries to control his anger.

"Are you upset with me?" Nash asks tentatively, he doesn't want to make Cameron snap. Cameron glances at Nash, his face softening.

"No baby, I'm not upset with you at all. I'm upset at my fucking grandmother. That stupid bitch who had everything given to her on a silver platter, she never had to work for anything. She sits up on her fucking perch and judges everyone else for doing what they have to do to survive. She thinks she can control everyone's life, I fucking hate her. I really do. I would just tolerate her before this but now I hate her. I never want to see her again." Cameron tells him intensely. Nash can hear the truth in his words, Cameron honestly feels this way about his grandmother and he has to admit that he feels the same way. Nash feels relieved that Cameron is not angry at him.

He can just picture the judgment in her eyes as she coldly spoke to him. The superiority in her words and the disgust on her face. It was a horrible feeling to be looked at like that, to be called those names. It hurt him, it cut him deeply. He wants to stop thinking about it, but the scene runs through his head over and over again.

Nash wonders about his former job working with the horses and how things will work out this time.

"Will... will I work with the horses again?" Nash asks Cameron softly.

Cameron pulls onto the long road that leads to the house, the farm has a lot of activity as the tractors plow the soil in preparation for planting the seeds.

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