Chapter 6

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-Nora POV-

“2 Titans! They’re too fast!” shouted a soldier. I looked at Mikasa and she nodded.

We accelerated and she took out the Titan on the right, and I took out the one on the left. I held one of my blades backwards and spined to its nape, cutting it cleanly.

“So fast… did Sato really just spin?” I heard a soldier say.
We saw that the evacuation was being held up by a stupid wagon…

But another Titan was approaching…
“You take care of this one, I’ll take care of the Titan” I told Mikasa.
“Got it” she said.

I went for the other Titan, and in a split second, it was dead.
I met up with our squad when it began to rain. “Good work, Ackerman, Sato. I’m impressed” said our squad leader.

“We did what we could here, sir. But thank you” said Mikasa. “I need to be a bit more careful in the future. I inevitably dulled both of the blades. I’ll do better next time”

We went after Titan after Titan, until the signal let us know that the evacuation was done.
“That’s it, we’re done. Now let’s go on the walls” said the leader.

“We should help the Vanguard withdraw, sir” I said and Mikasa and I went to search for our friends.
“Ackerman, Sato! Wait!” we heard the leader shout. But we didn’t care. We needed to find our loved ones, fast.
We noticed that the Vanguard wasn’t going on to the walls.

“Why isn’t anyone withdrawing? They must’ve heard the signal?” I asked.
We looked around and that’s when we noticed… the support building was overrun with Titans… “Oh, great” I whispered.

“There! There’s Reiner and Berthold!” I shouted when I finally saw them. We landed in front of them.
“Nora!” shouted Reiner and he hugged me.

“I’m glad to see you’re alright” I said and hugged Berthold too.
“Annie, I know how bad things have gotten. It’s selfish, but in personal matters… Have you seen Eren’s squad?” asked Mikasa.

I was worried too about Armin…
“Some squads made it back, but I don’t know about Eren’s” said Annie.
Reiner looked at me. “We found Armin, he’s over there” he pointed at a boy with blonde hair who was sitting, looking down.

“Thank you” I whispered and ran to Armin together with Mikasa.
“Armin!” we shouted.
But he kept looking down.

“Armin, are you okay?” I asked and kneeled beside him. “You’re not hurt, are you?” I softly laid my hand on his and he grabbed it, squeezing it as hard as he could.

“Where is Eren?” asked Mikasa, Armin began to squeeze a bit harder, clenching his teeth. “Armin?” He looked up at Mikasa, with tears in his eyes.

‘Oh no… that means… Eren is... ’
“They were…” Armin began. “The Cadets of squad 34. Thomas Wagner, Nack Tierce, Milieus Zeremski, Mina Carolina, Eren Yeager. These brave 5 upheld their duties. They died valiantly in the field of battle”

I bounded my fingers with Armin’s and squeezed his hand back
“I’m so sorry, Mikasa” said Armin. “It should have been me that died, not Eren. I couldn’t do a thing! I’m worthless”

I could feel his trembling through his hand. His words broke my heart, I was so glad to see him alive…

‘I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had lost Armin too…’
Mikasa laid her hand over mine and Armin’s. “Armin” she calmly said. “Calm yourself. We haven’t got time for you to get emotional right now. On your feet” she said and helped us up. Armin still held my hand and stared at Mikasa.

“Marco” said Mikasa. “If we eliminate or bypass the Titans at HQ. We can there refuel our gear, allowing us to get back over the wall. Is that assessment correct?”

“Well… yeah I guess so, sure. But there’s just too many of them out there. Even with you and Nora on point” said Marco.

“I can do it” she said and took out her blade. “I’m strong, real strong. None of you come close. You hear me? I am a warrior! Know this. I have the power to slay all of the Titans that come block our path. Even if I have to do it alone. As far as I’m concerned, I am surrounded by a bunch of unskilled cowardly worms! You disappoint me. You can just sit here and twiddle your thumbs and watch how it’s done”

“Wait, Mikasa. Are you out of your mind?! That’s crazy!” shouted a fellow cadet.
“You can’t be serious! Trying to take them out by yourself! There’s no way you can hope to beat them!” shouted another cadet.

“If I can’t beat them, then I die. But, if I win, I live. And the only way to win is to fight!” she shouted and she took off.

I looked at Armin and smiled. “I’m happy you’re okay” I whispered, he looked at me and I let his hand go. “I’ll go after her” I said and jumped off the roof.
“Nora!” I heard Reiner shout.

Mikasa lead the way. She was going too fast, slaying Titan after Titan.
“Wow, Mikasa is a badass. How is she going so fast?” said Conny.

‘The idiot is using too much gas. Any moment now, she could run out…’ I barely finished the thought when she fell down.

“Mikasa!” screamed Armin and he went after her.
“Shit!” I shouted. “Jean! You lead the way. I’ll go after Armin and Mikasa!”
“Got it!” he shouted and I went after my friends.

I noticed Armin and Mikasa on a rooftop, I landed next to them.
“Are you guys alright?” I asked.
“Yeah” said Armin.

“Then we better get out of here” I said. But then I saw two Titans. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me! Two 15 meter Titans? Are you for real!” I shouted.

“No, that one’s different” said Mikasa. Armin and I looked down and saw a skeleton of a Titan smoking… ‘Did a Titan do that?’

The long haired Titan suddenly took a fighting stance. “What the actual fuck” I said out loud.

They began to fight, the long haired Titan took the other Titan’s head off with one hit. And then finished it off by destroying the nape…

“It… it just finished it off… it knew exactly where the weak spot was…” said Armin.

“Come on, it’s time to go” I said.
“Any other Titan would be on top of us right now” said Armin.
“It seems to understand hand to hand combat” said Mikasa. “What is that thing?”

“Let’s just describe it as another abnormal, they’re always a surprise” I said.
“Hang on, Mikasa’s tanks are empty” said Armin.

“I’ll carry her” I said.
“That’s not an option, Nora. You need to be able to fight” said Armin. “There’s only one thing to do” he began taking off his tanks and giving them to Mikasa. “I know there isn’t very much left in them, but it’s better than your empty ones”

“Armin!” shouted Mikasa.
“This is our only choice! It would be a complete waste if I kept them. But… use this gas more sparingly. Everyone’s lives are riding on you and Nora” he said.

‘No… no… I’m not leaving him’
“There got it” he said and took out one of his broken blades. “Just leave me this one, okay? It's just that… I would rather this be my end and not be eaten alive”

I got angry, I couldn’t control my emotions anymore. So I stepped to Armin, took the blade from his hand and threw it away.

“Why did you…” began Armin.
“Does our promise mean that little to you?” I asked him and he looked up. A tear rolled down from my face, it was the first time in 3 years that he saw me cry.

“Nora…” he began, he realised that he had hurt me.
“Because to me it means everything, Armin. I’m not going to leave you behind. Not now, not ever” I said.

“Nora, I didn’t mean…” he began, he stepped forward to me and wiped the tear away from my face. “I’m sorry” he whispered, while letting his hand rest on my cheek.

“Let’s just go” I whispered, grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.

The Grey Angel (Attack on Titan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now