Chapter 1

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Today is the day...

The day Ash becomes an official "Pokemon Trainer." Ash woke up bright and early today. Not only is Ash and Gary getting their starter but their other friend Leaf is also getting her starter.

Once Ash finished changing, brushing his teeth, and showering he did about 100 pushups to get warmed up. Then he went downstairs to find his mom, Pikachu, Espeon, and Mr.Mime all in the kitchen eating.

A/N- We'll call Ash's mom Delia during dialogue.

Delia- Goodmorning sleepy head.

Ash- Morning! *Takes a seat at the table*

Delia- I made some pancakes, would you like some for breakfast?

Ash- Yeah, That would be amazing! Thanks! *Pikachu Jumps onto his shoulder and Ash starts petting him*

Pikachu- Pika Pikaaaa (Morning Ash)

Ash- Good Morning to you too Pikachu. 

Espeon then jumps into his lap and curls up into a ball.

Ash- And a good morning to you too Espeon.

Mr.Mime- Mime Mime Mime (Hey Ash good morning!)

Ash- Hey Mr.Mime good morning! Did ya sleep well?

Mr.Mime- Mime! (Yea!)

Delia- Ok hear ya go, Ash! A 3 stack of pancakes with syrup poured over and a bit of butter at the top just how you like it! *Places a plate of pancakes in front of Ash*

Ash- Thanks, mom! It looks great! Can I also have a drink?

Delia- Want some orange juice?

Ash- Su- Oh thanks Mr.Mime I guess you already poured me some. *Mr.Mime places a cup of orange juice in front of Ash*

Mr.Mime- Mime (No problem)

After Ash eats he grabs all his stuff and gets ready to head out

Ash- Ok mom I'm gonna head over to the lab now to get my starter!

Delia- Ok Ash, I'll meet you over there and be ready to send you off on your journey. 

Ash- Ok! I'll see you later. Bye!

Delia- Bye!

A/N- He leaves with all his stuff in his bag and Pikachu on his shoulder with Espeon and Mr.Mime in their respective poke balls.

At Professor Oaks Lab

Ash just arrived at the lab and heads inside. Inside he sees everyone. Gary, Leaf, and Professor Oak.

Prof Oak- Ash my boy! Good morning!

Gary- Ash! About time you got here. Now we can start this thing.

Leaf- Hey Ash!

Ash- Good morning guys! Now let's get this started!

Prof Oak- Ok then! *Releases 3 Pokemon from 3 poke balls* These 3 Pokemon are the starter Pokemon of Kanto. You can choose from these 3. This is Bulbasaur the bulb Pokemon. It is the grass-type Pokemon of the Kanto region. It is not only a grass type but has a secondary typing of poison. Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur and then finally to Venasaur. 

Prof Oak Continuation- Now this is Squirtle the turtle Pokemon. It is the water-type of the Kanto region. It evolves into a Wartortle and then finally a Blastoise. Finally, this is Charmander the lizard Pokemon. It is the fire-type of the Kanto Region. It evolves into Charmeleon and then finally a Charizard. Now you guys can choose from these 3 Pokemon as a starter. Now, who wants the first pick?

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