Chapter Five

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George and Dream stared at each other, the air tense between them.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Dream said, confusion and a bit of irritation apparent on his face. George looked away, uncomfortable.

"Nothing, Dream," he muttered. "Forget about it."

Dream crossed his arms. "No. What's that supposed to mean, George?"

George scowled at him. "Forget about it. Your fiancée is waiting for you. Shouldn't you go to her?"

Dream scoffed in disbelief. "Is that what this is about?" he demanded. "You don't like Ava? You're the one who invited her here, George."

"That doesn't mean I wanted the two of you all over each other the whole time," George shot back, anger rising in his throat. Dream looked appalled.

"We were sitting on the same couch," Dream said pointedly. "It's not like I was railing her on your sofa-"

"Quit saying shit like that!" George shouted, resisting the urge to cover his ears childishly. "Does it look like I want to hear about that stuff?"

Dream rolled his eyes. "You can't act like this," He said irritably. "You're the one who invited both of us, George. What's your problem with her?"

"I don't have a problem with her," George insisted, glaring at the man. Crossing his arms across his chest, he added, "Why would I have a problem with her? She's great, I mean just absolutely astounding-"

Dream groaned loudly, throwing his hands up in the air. "You're so confusing!" he yelled. "I don't understand you! What is your problem?"

George had to bite his tongue to fight off the onslaught of cruel words that he wanted to shout, words that would most definitely damage whatever semblance of friendship the two of them even had anymore.

He had been right all along - Leo's and Scorpio's don't mix well.

"You should go," George said quietly, turning away. "I can clean up myself."

Dream looked at him in disbelief before shaking his head and leaving the room. George flinched as the door slammed shut behind him, splintering on the hinges. He swallowed the sob that threatened to escape his throat and sat gingerly on the bed. His head was pounding more than ever now, and he rubbed the tender spot with his fingers, ignoring the way they shook. Distantly, he could hear Dream's car start up and shoot down the street at a speed that was definitely illegal.

He had no clue what had come over him. He should have known better than to invite both of them, especially so soon after realizing that he had some small amount of feelings for Dream. It had been a bad idea, even from the start. He never should have indulged the Leo, should have left him alone after leaving his house that day.

George sighed heavily and leaned back on the bad, throwing his arm over his eyes. Small tears leaked out from the corner of his eyes, but he paid no attention to them.

At least it was over now. He could move on.

There would be no Dream and George.

And move on is exactly what George did.

During his travels to other Districts, he met many new people, people that he was glad to be able to call his friends. He met a man named Sapnap in the Pisces District, after a visit to Sarah's library. The two of them had quickly hit it off, becoming a pair of tight knit friends. George never laughed quite as hard with anyone else as he did with Sapnap.

It was from Sapnap that George was able to meet his other new friends - a Virgo called Wilbur, a Capricorn who went by Quackity for some reason, and a Cancer named Karl. The group of them were pretty close, and George found himself spending more and more time with them. He was content with his little group, and tried to see them as often as he could between his trips to other Districts.

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