Chapter Four

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George's new knowledge of Dream's relationship status kept him away from the man for nearly a week. It progressed to a point where he began ignoring Dream's persistent calls and texts, instead choosing to hide away in the Aquarius District with Niki.

For some reason, the knowledge that Dream was taken hurt him, physically and emotionally. Niki had sensed something was wrong when he showed up at her house the night of his and Dream's 'date', shivering from the cold and his lips blue. She quickly ushered him inside and readily agreed when George asked if he could stay with her for a while.

He really was grateful for his gentle friend. He made sure to show it by being as productive as he could during the day - cleaning up a bit around the apartment while Niki worked her easy-going job as kindergarten teacher. A wonderful job, one that suited her perfectly.

After a week of cooping himself up, George decided to leave the cozy home, leaving a note for Niki on the kitchen counter saying that he would be back in time for dinner that night. He wrapped himself up warmly in a hat and a scarf, draping his coat over his shoulders as he stepped outside into the crisp winter air.

The Pisces District called to him, and he paid no mind to the weird look the taxi driver gave him when he told him where he wanted to go. There was a small library in the Pisces District, owned by a frail old woman that seemed to enjoy George's presence, though he couldn't go very often. Scorpios and Pisces' tended to get along fairly well, the two Signs often complimenting each others traits, whether it be in a friendship or relationship. George enjoyed his time in this District, loving the loud, sociable personalities of the Fish Sign.

The drive there took almost an hour, and George thanked his driver graciously, tipping him well before stepping out of the vehicle. The library he frequented stood before him, it's snug exterior appearing welcoming to anyone who passed by. George smiled at the elderly woman that sat behind the counter as he walked in, pulling the scarf from his neck.

"Miss Sarah," he greeted quietly, walking over to grasp her wrinkled hands. Sarah squinted at him, recognition finally showing in her pale blue eyes.

"George!" she exclaimed, gripping his hands tightly. "I haven't seen you in so long - how have you been?"

George bent over the counter to accept the hug the woman offered to him, smiling as her homely scent of cinnamon and baked bread reached his nose. "I've been visiting the other Districts," he said, pulling away and leaning against the counter. "You know how my travels are - long, with not very many breaks in between."

Sarah nodded and scuttled out from behind the register, pulling her old knit shawl closer around her shoulders. "Well come on," she urged, pushing George down the aisles of bookshelves towards the back of the small building. "Come sit for some tea, will you? Indulge this old woman for a moment."

George laughed. "I always will, Miss," he said, heart warming.

They sat for tea and Sarah listened intently as George described his recent travels, including the one to the Leo District. Her eyes grew a lot more interested than they already had been at the brief mention of Dream, and she held up her palm, making George stop in the middle of his sentence.

"Tell me about this Dream character," she said. George looked at her and took a small sip of his tea, enjoying the warmness of its flavor.

"He's...interesting to say the least," George said, his brow creasing. "I enjoy his company a lot. He's a good friend."

Sarah seemed to recognize the dilemma that George had immediately and she sighed, reaching across the small table to touch his hand.

"Just how much do you enjoy his presence?" she asked curiously, eyes glinting mischievously. George frowned at her.

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