"This is not on the transactions they have. How the hell did they know?!"

I am fuming. Not only is this an important transaction.  This will definitely tarnish the reputation of the family. What's the most infuriating is that they killed members of our family. 

I will not let them get away.

"This only solidifies the theory that there's a spy.  We need to find him or them quickly. " I said.

"Yes, Boss. We'll start right away. We'll test how much access to info they have and take it from there. We'll try to place bait like fake transactions and report to you if there's anyone who looks suspicious." Saint said.

"I'll help. I'll send people to investigate the recent failed transaction and get testimonials from the people who survived the attack." Kao said.

"I'll do a review on the upcoming transactions we have. I'll try to change the location and times at least a day before the exact date to prevent this from happening until we find the spy." Zee said.

"Alright. Just keep me posted. I'll try to call the partners and apologize for what happened. I'll talk to Dad as well, I'm positive that after this, the family's reputation isn't doing good." I said.

When will this end?



I arrived with Title in the Mansion around 7am. The moment I stepped out of the car, I ran to our room and looked for Phi.

As I entered the room, I saw P'Mew on the bed, talking to someone on the phone and his laptop on his lap.

He looks like he didn't sleep last night.
He has dark circles around his eyes and he looks really stressed.

"Alright. Thank you, I'll be on the next transaction so you don't have to worry about it. Take care and I'll see you soon." P'Mew said before he hang up.

"You're here. Come here, love. I need a hug." He said as he walked towards me.

"Phi, I haven't showered before going home. I was so worried about how you left. I'm just glad to see you here. Let me shower first, Okay?" I said as I headed to the bathroom.

He sighed and nodded.

"I'll prepare your clothes." He walked towards our closet.

I stripped off my clothes and went to the bathtub.

I sighed and rested my head at the corner of the tub. 

Finally, now I can relax.

After a few seconds, P'Mew entered the washroom.

"Scoot over, let me join you." P'Mew said as he stripped off and entered the tub.

He hugged me after sitting in the tub.

"I'm so glad I have you to hug me at the end of all of this work." P'Mew said as he wrap his arms around my waist. 

"Me too, Phi. I love going home to you." I smiled as I put my hands on his arms that were hugging me.

"Something bad happened, Gulfie. There's another failed transaction. An important one. This damaged the family's reputation and if we don't find out who is leaking the information as soon as possible, this might take the family down." P'Mew said as he put his head on my shoulders.

"But we're working on it. We'll catch them soon. I'll be busier than usual, love. I'll apologize in advance if I won't see you as often. I'm sorry, love." He said.

"It's fine, Phi. I just want you to be safe. You'll need to always message me though, as we agreed before we got married. I need to know where you are all the time, okay?"  I said.

"Yes, love. Thank you for understanding.  Now let's get up and I'm sleepy." P'Mew said as he helped me get out of the tub. 

"Okay, Phi. I'm sleepy as well." I said.



I think it's already noon and I woke up to a phone ringing. 

Its Gulf's. 

I looked at the caller ID and saw that it's Bright. 

I answered the call and before he get to speak, he already shouted. 

"How can you get married to him, Gulf? I told you for a hundred times before I left that I'll come back for you and I love you! How can you do this to me?"  He shouted.

He's drunk.

"I will never sit still. You can never be with me. You don't know him! I'll get you away from him!" Bright shouted as he hung up.

What the hell is this kid saying?
Who does he think he is?

I took my phone and called Saint.

"Saint, can you give me all the details you can find about a doctor named Bright Vachirawit.  He works in the Hospital where Gulf works. I need it ASAP. " I said.

"Got it, Boss." Saint said as he hung up.

If he thinks he can take away Gulf from me, he's dead wrong.

My husband is mine. He's only mine!


AN: so, I really tried to write the 🔞 scene but when I read it, doesn't feel right lol

I'll rry writing it next time and hope that it'll be better.

This AU will end soon.

See you in the next chapter  :)

Road To You - MEWGULF AU (COMPLETE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora