Prologue And More

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This story begins in a small town within the Kanto region named "Pallet Town."

Ash is currently 3 years old. Although he is just a small toddler his intelligence level is the same as an advanced 14-year-old student. Ash is completely self-taught and he spends most of his free time reading books and searching the internet. Although Ash is extremely smart for a child his age he doesn't want to pursue his career in anything related to research or anything like teaching. He wants to be a "Pokemon Trainer." 

Ash wants to travel the world and become the greatest of all time. He wants to become the first trainer to win all the leagues and be known as the strongest trainer. He wants-- He needs to become the world's first "Pokemon Master."

The reason Ash does as much research and learns as much as he can now is so he can be aware of the Pokemon he will come to meet in the future. He wants to know all the best training methods and wants to know how to keep his Pokemons health at 100% at all times.

Ash looks up to many people who come near his goal. The one he looks up to most is Champion Lance of the Kanto Region. Lance became the champion of Kanto in his first try at the Indigo League. He then went on the becoming the Champion of the Johto region as well.

Lance is the only person to have ever won and become champion of more than one region. Lance not only won two regions but he also is known for being the person who helped Drake of the Orange Islands train to become the undefeated champion of the Orange Islands. Not only did he train Drake but he also helped train the formidable Cynthia Shirone of the Sinnoh Region. It was because of the training she did with Lance that she was able to easily win the Sinnoh Pokemon League and beat the well-known elite four members of the Sinnoh region. 

Not only did Lance train these two powerhouses but he is also known for being the world's strongest dragon-type trainer. Dragon types are extremely strong, rare, and hard to train but even harder to control. 

The champion of the Johto and Kanto region is no joke and has been undefeated for 8 years now. He also always takes battle requests from the strongest of trainers and he never loses. His most recent victory was against the wise champion of the Unova region Alder. It was a 1v1 battle and it was well fought but Lance's Dragonite was able to defeat Alder's Volcarona.

Right now Ash is currently watching a reality TV show called "Pokemon Journeys Through Kanto." The show follows a group of trainers that are traveling through the Kanto Region while trying to take down as many "Team Rocket" members as they can. 

Team Rocket is well known around the Kanto Region for attacking and stealing trainers Pokemon. They are a strong and evil organization that the police force still hasn't been able to neutralize for the past 5 years.  

Another one of Ash's goals is to punish as many criminals and shut down as many evil organizations as he can.  This is also the reason that he researches on ways to train Pokemon better and faster as well as train himself too. Ash realized that many trainers can't hold their own weight in battles against evil organizations. Their Pokemon are strong enough but they can't protect themselves which makes their Pokemon have to worry about their safety. 

Ash doesn't want his Pokemon to feel that way which is the reason he wants to be strong physically and as a trainer. Ash wanted to start his physical training once he realized but then he realized that he was far too young to start training. He decided to start at the age of 4 since at the time he was only 2.

Ash looks up to a man named Professor Oak as well. He is the regional professor of the Kanto region. He is extremely intelligent and easily one of the best professors in the world. Ash and his mom live near Professor Oak as well which is how they met him. Prof. Oak knows all about Ash and how advanced his brain is. He is also very close to Ash and his mother.

Ash makes daily visits with his mom to Professor Oaks lab. There he interacts with Pokemon and studies/researches with Professor Oak. Sometimes he just goes to play with the Pokemon and Gary which is Professor Oaks, Grandson. One time while Prof Oak, Gary, and Ash were watching one of Lance's battles Oak promised Gary and Ash to introduce them to Lance one day since the professor was very good friends with the man. Gary and Ash were overjoyed and they always say how they can't wait. 

Gary and Ash got really close over time and they did everything together. They hung out almost every day and every time a new trainer got their starter they would spectate to see their choice and admire the Pokemon as well as envy the trainer.

Like Ash, Gary wanted to be the best trainer of all time. They had similar goals and Gary was also very smart just like Ash. Gary was almost just as smart as Ash. They were both like carbon copies of one another. They could relate to everything. They agreed on everything but one thing. Gary didn't believe he needed to be physically strong like Ash did. 

The day Ash reached the age of 4 is when he started doing his physical training. He ran about 3 miles a day and did about 50 pushups a day. He did arm, leg, back, chest, every type of workout. As he got stronger his workouts got more intense and longer. Although Gary didn't think he needed to be physically strong like Ash did he joined Ash in working out at least once per week and at most 3 times per week. 

When Ash reached the age of 8 he got the best gifts and party he could ever ask for. The party was great because he shared his party with Gary since they were born on the same day. It was held at Oaks lab and it was such a big party that all of Pallet Town went. All of their families, friends, neighbors, everybody went. Ash and Gary had fun playing with some of the kids and even became great friends with a girl named Leaf. Near the end of the party when it was time for gifts Ash and Gary both broke a poke ball in half and each took one half. They put a chain on it and made it into a stylish necklace which they proudly wore.

At last, it was gift time. They got a bunch of toys, books, and best of all items for their future adventures. They each got 10 poke balls, 10 great balls, 3 luxury balls, and 2 ultra balls. They also got all types of potions and healing items as well as repels, ropes, and all other items needed for adventuring. 

They were overjoyed with all of the gifts but the last 6 gifts were the best. Gary's mom and dad gave both Ash and Gary a pokemon. They gave Gary a Nidoran(m) and Ash a Mime Jr. Ash and Gary were amazed and shocked at the pokemon they received. They were jumping with joy and running around like crazy. It took a minute before they calmed down and received their next gifts. Ash's mom gave Gary a Nidoran(f) and Ash a Pichu. Ash and Gary once again ran around and yelled in joy. After a minute they finally received their gift from the professor. Professor Oak handed them each a box. When they placed the boxes on the floor the boxes moved by themselves a bit. At the same time, Gary and Ash took off the top of the box and out popped out two small baby Eevee's. Ash and Gary reacted the same way they did with the other Pokemon. For the rest of the party, they played with their Pokemon and all the other kids. 

By the time Ash and Gary reached the age of 10, they were both ready to start their journey. They were both aware of what lied ahead and they were both filled with knowledge on Pokemon. They had trained the Pokemon they had gotten 2 years prior and were very sure that their Pokemon were so strong that they could fly past the first couple of gyms with just those Pokemon. Ash's Eevee was now an Espeon while Gary's is an Umbreon. Ash's Pichu is now a Pikachu and Gary's Nidoran(f) is now a nidorina. Finally, Ash's Mime Jr is now a Mr.Mime and Gary's Nidoran(m) is now a nidorino.

Tomorrow Ash and Gary will receive their official starter Pokemon and start their journeys as trainers. They will strive to be the best of the best and will become extremely strong trainers. 

To Be Continued...

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