New Beginning

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"Oh it's MY fault ur big ass tail was in the way!!"

The two Eeveelutions growled at one another as a Leafeon walked up.

"Both of you stop it!" The Leafeon said as he smacked the back of the two Eeveelutions heads with his vines.

"Fine, just watch where you go next time please, that hurt like hell." The Flareon said as he brushed his tail.

"Yeah yeah whatever." The Vaporeon said as he rolled his eyes and went back to moving a big box.

The three Eeveelutions have just moved to a new town, a place called Perfection, and the three were unloading boxes into their new home. After nearly five hours of hard labor, the three plopped down on a couch they had moved into the house.

"God..I don't remember having this much stuff." The Flareon said as he looked around at the boxes they had in the living room.

"Your telling me, hell I'm sure we could've just thrown away most of this to be honest." The Leafeon said as he scratched behind his ear with his hind leg.

"Yeahhh..maybe we'll do that tomorrow." The Vaporeon said as he began to yawn and stretch.

The other two Eeveelutions looked at their younger brother with an 'are you serious' look on their faces. The Vaporeon felt dumbfounded and confused as why they had their expression.

"What?" He said as the Flareon sighed.

"Your going to school tomorrow remember?" The Leafeon spoke as the Vaporeon immediately stood up.

"What?! I thought y'all were joking!?" He yelled out as he stared at his older brothers.

"No we weren't, it's time you suffered like we did-"

"Well like Fenix here, I was home schooled and always was so hah." The Leafeon said sitting up proudly, cutting off the Flareon's sentence.

The Flareon, who's name is Fenix, punched the Leafeon's shoulder with a flat expression on his face.

"Ughhh fine! But y'all have to put my stuff up in my room as well then." The Vaporeon demanded as the Leafeon somewhat slouched.

"Oooooo speaking of whichhhhh..." The Leafeon turned towards Fenix, who had a confused expression that immediately turned to one of surprise.

"That interview better not be tomorrow!!" He yelled as the Leafeon then shrugged grinning slightly.

"You mother fucker!! So I gotta do this all by myself!" Fenix yelled as the two rubbed the back of their necks.

"Hey it's not that bad, just move our stuff into our rooms, and you don't even have to pull stuff out." The Leafeon said as Fenix sighed heavily.

"Fine, I guess I'll shop afterwards at the store, wherever the store is here." Fenix said with a slight of annoyance in his voice.

"Hey who knows, maybe you'll find some friends." The Vaporeon said with a small chuckle afterwards.

"Your one to talk Vade, your gonna be surrounded by lots of people remember that." Fenix said as he smirked at the Vaporeon, who hated being out in crowds of people.

"Yeah fuck off." Vade said as he turned away, not wanting to show that Fenix got to him.

"Well, I think we should call it, we all gotta be up early tomorrow." The Leafeon said as he began to yawn.

"Fair I guess, goodnight Blight." Vade said as he walked up the stairs and the sound of a door closing.

"You too Fenix, I don't need you sleeping until god damn three in the afternoon." Blight said as Fenix chuckled softly, knowing it'll happen most likely, even if he told him not too.

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