Chapter 14- Ridiculously Obvious

Start from the beginning

"Let's get to class, love." He put his hand on my back, guiding me and it felt weird as I began to walk away.

"Yeah," I mumbled incoherently as we headed to class.

Though what Chynna did was nothing out of the ordinary, something felt off. I tried to push it away as Kai and I walked all the way to class with his hand still on the square of my back.

Something was still nagging at me the entire class.


The wind was howling and bringing a crisp breeze around. Winter was definitely nearing. It was becoming the end of October. That meant Halloween was coming and boy was I excited.

I was walking around the parking lot of the school in a straight line. Back and forth, back and forth. It was becoming very repetitive.

Who knew that Kai took so long get his ass out of class?

Today we were supposed to figure out which girl was going to be Kai's future girlfriend and love. Obviously, we weren't going to walk up to a girl and force her to date him, but we at least needed to set him up with someone. That's why we planned to go somewhere and discuss the matters.

"There you are," I said, watching him walk down to me.

"Indeed I'm here," He said, not acknowledging my sarcasm.

When he reached me, we walked down the road together and neared the cars.

"Why were you late...again?" I asked, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my brown hoodie and awaiting his answer.

He didn't speak for a little. It seemed as if he was debating his words, picking them all too carefully. "I had detention," Kai settled on his words.

I stopped walking, grabbed his arm and turned him around so he was facing me. "For what?"

I followed his dark green eyes which were staring at my hand on his forearm. "It's nothing," He assured me— not so well— and shrugged his arm out of my hand.

"This is the first time you've gotten detention," I reminded him.

"Yes, I think I can remember the times I've never gotten detention." He rolled his eyes.

"You don't think I'm not just not gonna ask," I pressed him. He was hiding something and it was so obvious because he didn't do it well.

Kai sighed, annoyance laced in it, and whipped his head over to me. "Just leave it be," He spoke with such intensity that I looked away.

Picking up my pace, I mumbled, "Fine!"

"God," Kai mumbled under his breath as he caught up to me. This time, he grabbed my arm and twirled me around, staring me straight in the eyes. "Listen, I'll tell you later just... not right now," He finished, looking away from me and at the ground.

Hesitantly, I nodded. "Okay," I agreed and hopped into my car.

Maybe it was for the best that I didn't know too much about his life. We weren't friends so why should I have known why he was late? After all, it wasn't technically out of the ordinary for him to be late. I realised I had been spending an awful lot of amount of time waiting on him when I could've been doing something else. However, he was new so that earned him a couple of points before I started to go Godzilla on him.

All thoughts were shook out of my head when we entered our destination.

"Fuck off! I will not date the old librarian," Kai cursed. He smacked his palms on the table which almost led to his fries tipping over.

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