Chapter 13- Speak Of The Devil

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Chapter 13
Speak Of The Devil

When I woke up that next morning, I was strangely hyper, to which I had no idea why. Adrenaline was buzzing through me of the Wednesday morning which was odd considering it was Wednesday.

I glanced at my clock to see the time and I had just enough time to eat breakfast. Before I went downstairs, something sparkly caught my eye. It was the necklace Kai gifted me, sat in a small black velvet box. I left it open to admire it as I drifted into sleep last night.

The piece of jewellery and I stared at each other. It was screaming 'wear me'. The green jewel shone bright and consumed me. My hands itched for it and soon found it. I placed it on my neck and gazed in the mirror of its beauty. It was just so pretty.

After doing what I normally did in the morning, I threw on some mom jeans a tank top before going downstairs.

Maybe the necklace was a tad fancy for my outfit but that didn't matter. It was just too stunning to not wear it.

When I arrived in the kitchen, my Dad sat at the kitchen table and was drinking coffee. There was also Will, who sat on the chair beside the counter, eating a cookie.

"Hello, boys," I called out as I skipped over to the fridge and got out a juice box.

What could I say? A child at heart.

"You're in a cheery mood, Dad," Dad's eyes gleamed with laughter as he took a sip. I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the wooden counter.

"Yeah, Hayls. Is it because of the new kid, Kai?" Will asked with an obnoxious look on his face. He loved to tease me when it was evident that he should have  never messed with me.

A dry laugh erupted out of me before I put on a dead serious face. "Say that again and I'll punch you so hard, people will think you're a new kid." I put on a faux smile before leaving the kitchen.

"Who is this Kai?" asked Dad, glancing at me above his mug. I shot him an shrug, very uncomfortable as to where the topic was coming.

"He's no one," I settled on the obvious. It was true he wasn't anyone important and why tell more than the truth?

Will scoffed and stifled a laugh. "Please, my as—" But he was cut off by my Dad.

"We don't wanna hear about your ass at eight in the morning," groused Dad as he shot a face of disgust.

"How about I talk about it at eight in the night?" Will offered, raising his hands as if he expected applause from us.

Dad pretended to think about it, placing his newspaper down. "Better," He finalised as he folded his newspaper and settled it on the table he was sat at.

"Okay, I'm going before this conversation gets even more weirder than it is," I announced.

"What classes do you have today?" Dad asked.

I thought back to my timetable. "Uh, English first and then math and science," I said, trying not to groan at the thought of having boring subjects.

"Sucks for you," Will cut in.

"Screw you," I snarled and left the kitchen and into the hallway before Will could get a witty remark in.

As I was getting ready to put on my shoes I heard Dad laugh and say, "You can't lie the new kid one was funny."

That made my smile grow.


At English class, which was first class and a boring start to the day, I was waiting to see Kai in his new clothes. The lesson was dragging on as usual as Ms Drew went on and on about something which I wasn't paying attention to.

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