a healthy dose of Mikaelson revenge - chapter 25

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2 weeks ago.
Saint Roc Number 1. The Delphine Tomb.

'I hope Rosaline is watching this.'

Astrid broke the silence in the tomb and her voice bounced off the walls. Her eyes didn't leave her undead mother in law as she spoke but Nik looked up from the opposite wall and eyed his wife thoughtfully.

'Why would you want her to see this?'

He asked with pure interest and his tone was inquisitive. His wife's mind was forever under construction, new tunnels were always forming. He could explore her. 'To show her what I could've done.' She looked up at him finally and he could see her mind was ticking over in her eyes. 'You think death was a mercy for her, don't you?' He guessed and crossed his arms, leaning against the tomb and crossing one foot over the other.

'Yeah I do. She hated what I am and she hated Deryn even more for accepting it.' She looked back to Esther who was still unconscious, 'You've given the worse possible fate you could've to your mother. And if Rosaline were truly watching she'd be able to see what could've happened to her.'

Rosaline was indeed watching from the other side and she was loosing it. Tears brimmed her dark eyes as she went to throw an urn at Astrid but forgot she couldn't reach the same plane as her daughter so she screamed instead but to the hybrids it was inaudible.

'Rosaline was different in comparison to Esther. My mother was a changed woman, driven to insanity by a thousand years of mulling over old wounds.' Astrid's eyes darted around the room before making eye contact with her husband, 'Your mother's treachery ran long before you and I even decided what we were.'

Nik smiled at her phrasing, 'What we were?'

'Well, you know.' She couldn't help but smile.

'Say it.' He walked towards her.

'When I decided I was in love with you.' Astrid eyed him as she spoke with all the confidence she could muster and he grinned. 'Mhm, I love hearing you say that.' He hummed and spun her around. 'Are you seriously flirting with me in front of your mother's undead corpse?' Astrid tilted her head and Nik chuckled, 'No time is inappropriate to flirt with the woman you love.'

Esther began to stir and it stopped their daydream as they looked over to her. 'Maybe later.' She murmured as Esther sat up and looked at the two. 'What did you do?' Esther's throat was dry and her voice almost croaked out. Astrid composed herself before cracking her neck and smiling, 'Good morning, Esther... how are you feeling?'

'My head.' She paused as she winced and held her hand up to her scalp, 'My head is pounding' Astrid chuckled and Nik grinned before throwing a blood bag in her general direction. 'That's the need to feed coming on strong, mother.'

Present day.
Fauline Mansion.

'All we have to do is just pop this message off to my brothers and Astrid. Give me your hands and lead the way, I don't know what I'm doing.' Rebekah and Cassie sat crossed legged opposite each other with lettered tiles in front of them spelling out a cry for help.


'I can't. The pills they give us are lobilia flower. It makes it impossible to concentrate. No one can do much magic here.' Cassie's eyes darted  around and she jumped when Rebekah rose her voice.

'You're a Harvest girl, for God's sake! Now, pull yourself together!' She cursed and Cassie reluctantly took her hands as they began to chant.

Prends ce mesage s'a, les mots sur le vent.

Mikaelson Compound.

'What the bloody hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be astral projecting?'

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