Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

“I know.”


I was just about to climb into my car and begin driving home when I saw Cole running up to me. I frowned and shifted my eyes around, hoping Brandon couldn’t see. Or anyone else.

“Do you want to come over tonight?” Cole huffed.


“To my house. For dinner, I mean,” he clarified and suddenly looked extremely nervous “I mean, you don’t have to, of course. It was just a suggestion.”

Cole began to back away from me slowly and I acted before I could even think properly.

“Yes,” I blurted “I would love to.”

“Really?” he blinked, surprised “okay, come over at 8.”

Before I could say anything else, he ran back towards his bus and boarded, disappearing from sight.

I guess I wasn’t going to be having dinner alone today.



I smoothed down my skirt and tights, to make sure there were no wrinkles. I, for some reason, felt extremely nervous.

My hands were clammy and I was sure that the plastic of the box of chocolates I was holding had become sticky.

The door flew open and Cole stood inside the frame, staring at me. He was wearing his typical dark jeans but instead of his overused hoodie, he was clothed in a dark grey t-shirt and a beanie. It covered his entire head, only leaving the fringe hanging out.

He looked…amazing. Beautiful. Handsome. Any other adjective to describe how attractive he looked right now.

I choked, coughing a little.

“You okay there,” he asked, amused, his dark eyes twinkling as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

“I’m fine,” I said stiffly, blushing. “These are for you,” I shoved the chocolates towards him and he laughed lightly.

“Thanks Scar,” he said, his voice making me shiver. “Come in.”

I entered and toed of my boots near the door, walking behind him as he led me to the kitchen.

“You must be Scarlett!” a voice exclaimed and I turned to see a sweet, motherly figure walking towards me. She gave me a light hug and pulled back, looking into my eyes. “And you’re even more beautiful than I imagined.”

People called me beautiful all the time but Cole’s mother looked like she really meant it, and wasn’t just saying it to impress me or for her own selfish sake.

I smiled. “Thank you, Mrs Jackson. You have a beautiful home!”

“Oh my, thank you,” she kissed my cheek and grinned. “I’m so glad you came! I’ve been trying to get Cole to invite you for ages now! Especially because he-” she suddenly stopped and shook her head. “Especially because you guys are partners in that project,” she said vaguely and I felt a crushing sense of disappointment.

He invited me because we were partners? Does he invite all his project partners for dinner?

“Yeah we are. For psychology.”

“Aha, I see. Anyway, would you two please call Abby down for dinner?” Mrs Jackson asked us and we nodded.

I followed Cole as he headed upstairs and down a corridor, to a door on the right.

“Abby? Time for dinner,” Cole said softly, poking his head through the door.

“Is Scarlett here yet?” Abby asked sweetly and I stepped out from behind Cole and smiled.

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