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You yawned as you made your way to the school. Being a cheerleader was rough, especially since the team has practice in the morning. Though you technically didn't have to 'cheer' until a real game, you still thought you should show your support. Shaking the sleepiness away, you slapped your chest a little and sighed. Stopping by a vending machine, you bought yourself a small can of iced coffee to spruce yourself up. You made sure to toss it into a trashcan once it was empty and took a deep breath before making your way into the gym.

"Mooorning everyone! Keep your head up and don't miss! Pom and pom! You can do it!" you cheered as you stepped inside, smiling widely at them. Hinata was the first to cheer with you, raising a fist and beaming back at you.

"WOOOAAAH! Your energy is so positive, [F/N]!" he exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air repeatedly.

"Shut up, Hinata! You're too loud, dumbass!" Kageyama barked at Hinata, tossing a ball and having it smack the back of his head. You covered your mouth a little at hearing the smack. You rubbed Hinata's head a little to make sure he was okay, then pouted at Kageyama.

"Hey, that wasn't nice! Save that attitude for the real game!" you lectured, approaching him and whacking him on the head a few times, though it wasn't enough to hurt him. Kageyama only looked away, grumbling, a light blush powdering his cheeks. Your lips curled a little and you gave him a gentle pat. "Okay, okay, no sulking now! My job's to make sure everyone's smiling and happy and pumped for the game!" you reminded, cupping his face and stretching the corner of his lips a little.

Kageyama's blush only worsened, and he quickly turned his gaze away from your beaming face. He slowly attempted a smile, the corner of his lips just barely twisting into a smile. You grinned and laughed.

"Yeah, yeah! Like that!" you gushed, releasing him. He wanted your warm hands on his face again. Kageyama quickly walked away, scowling and taking large gulps of water to calm himself down.

Sugawara stifled his laugh as he watched the interaction between you and Kageyama. You approached the setter with a friendly wave.

"What are you laughing about?" you asked curiously, tilting your head.

"You-You shouldn't tease Kageyama so much... He-He looked like he was about to explode...!" Sugawara laughed, trying his best to hold back. You looked over at Kageyama and caught him looking at you. You waved at him and he immediately turned around to fan himself, panting heavily, his face flushed.

"Ohh, I see what you mean," you agreed, looking back at Sugawara. Daichi soon appeared next to him and called out to the first-years.

"Hey! Class is starting! Clean up and get changed!" he told, clapping his hands. Hinata and Kageyama seemed disappointed at how quickly their practice had gone by and immediately began packing up. You jogged over to help, picking up a stray ball and returning it to the cart.

"Nice work, Kageyama! I'll buy you a milk box during lunch, okay?" you praised, helping him push the cart back to the storage room. Poor Kageyama looked like he was about to faint.

"Y-Yesh-Yeah... O-Okay..." he muttered, gulping and then bowing before quickly running off to change. You chuckled as you watched him leave. You just couldn't help but tease him a little!

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