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Edit: I forgot to check what season it would be for Japan in February because my stupid Aussie ass thought it would be Summer LOL so please ignore that <3

Today was Valentine's day, and while you got numerous letters, chocolates and text messages from friends wanting to hang out with you, you thought it was best to spend the day with Sugawara, one of the few people you could feel mature around.

You whined, feeling hands rub at your face.

"I don't want you getting sunburnt, [F/N]. That would be a terrible way to spend Valentine's day," Sugarawa said, applying the sunscreen evenly on your face and your back and wherever else you couldn't reach. You huffed.

"Yeah, but it feels gross..." you complained, cringing at the feeling of the cream on your back. Sugawara chuckled and soon pulled away.

"There, all done. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Sugawara teased, ruffling your hair. You blushed a little and pulled a hat over your head, huffing.

Sugawara set up a picnic blanket on the sand, weighing it down with his bags and basket. You threw down your bag and yawned, stretching. The train ride here was already way too long. You were itching to go for a damn swim. You'd expect Valentine's day to be romantic, but you wanted nothing more than to spend the day with Sugawara at the beach, in his company. The beach, thankfully, wasn't too crowded. In fact, it was quite empty. Couples were off with their loved ones, going out to the city or having sex, whatever.

"Can we swim, can we, can weeee?" you asked impatiently, tugging on your swim shorts. Sugawara laughed and nodded.

"Okay, we'll go in for a quick dip, then we'll eat something, okay?" he told, applying sunscreen to his own skin and making his way down the shore with you.

Without hesitation, you ran into the ocean, screaming from the cold, but making your way in anyway.

"S-U-G-A, in the ocean is the way!" you called, splashing around and kicking the water at him. Sugawara laughed and grabbed you by the hand, pulling you closer to the shore. He had to make sure you didn't drown.

"Careful, [F/N]. You don't wanna get dragged out to sea!" he warned, taking you to a more shallow area. You sighed, shaking off the water drops on your hair as you followed him. Totally ignoring him, you hung out by the shore and walked by the beach with him.

"Hey, look! Little hermit crabs!" you exclaimed, scooping one up in your hands, showing Sugawara the little crustacean walking around in your palm. Sugawara smiled at the little feller in your hand, chuckling as he watched it cower back into its shell. "I think I'm gonna keep him."

"Aw, he's cute. But don't you think it's bad to take him away from his home?" Sugawara asked, frowning at you. You looked down at the little crab and sighed.

"Yeah, I guess... Aw, man, okayyy, I'll put him back," you said, placing the crab back down, allowing the waves to wash him away. "Bye-bye little guy!" you waved at him as the tide swept him in. Suga chuckled and grabbed your shoulders.

"Alright, come on, let's go eat. Race you back to the basket!" Sugawara exclaimed, already running ahead of you, leaving you in the dust.

"Hey! Cheater!" you growled, sprinting after him which proved to be quite difficult with the sand dragging you down.

You and Sugawara panted when you made your way back to the basket. Obviously, Sugawara had beaten you, and in return, got a punch in the shoulder.

"You know what, I'm eating half of your food too!" you crowed, reaching into the basket and pulling out your lunchbox. Sugawara chuckled sheepishly.

𝐋𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜 ⋆ 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang