They silently walked on road , this time yoongi didn't try to start conversation---he wants jimin to start it and as if on cue jimin finally spoke "I talked to hyung" yoongi hummed in response encouraging Jimin to continue

"So bogum thinks everything will short out by this meeting?" Yoongi dumbfoundly asked after hearing out jimin

jimin hummed softly "Yeah-h----he believes times heals everything and maybe this is our last chance to apologise to taehyung---" jimin said "Maybe or should I say hopefully he at least agree to listen us , after that it's all up to him if he wants to have any contact with us or not---"

" Well if you ask me I think it's a stupid plan" yoongi deadpanned "there is only 0.00001% chance taehyung ever agreed to listen you or his family judging by how he reacts when you'd met him at New York__" yoongi paused

" But yeah it's also true he Maybe accept bogum's relationship with Irene by making him leave you guys___" he said earning a hard slap on his shoulder

" Min yoongi!!" Jimin glare at him "don't say like this , think positive" yoongi laughed looking at jimin's frowned face "chill I was just joking" he laughed , jimin shook his head in response "Don't joke like this yoongi"

After calming down from laughing yoongi look at jimin with an knowing smile "you are looking forward to this meeting right?--- to meet taehyung again after all this years?"

" Yes , Maybe I'm scared but yet somewhere inside my heart I really want to take this risk to face taehyung again , I don't know what will happen but if there's still 0.00001% chance that he will listen to us and give us second chance then I'm ready to take this risk---i really want to see him and___"

"___Your daughter" yoongi cut off jimin "she is the main reason right jimin----" jimin softly sighed "She is--- because maybe this is my first and last chance to see her we don't know how things will come out but I'm sure of one thing" his eyes held shine of hope "____I'll be able to she my daughter"

"You know you can still see her if you want?" Yoongi pitifully said "I know but I'd promised taehyung I'll leave his life and won't interfere their lives , and me stalking our---his daughter is last thing he ever want" a bitter laugh escape from jimin.

Yoongi put his hand over jimin's shoulder giving him an assuring smile "as you said let's think positive and I myself is really nervous to see taehyung after six years___"

" You don't have to worry I don't think he has anything against you guys because only you and hoseok had helped him when we didn't" jimin replied with slightly bit hint of regret in his voice

"But things changes jimin we don't know which taehyung we are going to face--- if time heals everything then it's also true that time changes people too" yoongi worriedly said

"I understand and that's why I'm thinking about telling our family about taehyung before we leave for Jeju island--- I want them to be prepared to face taehyung otherwise things will be messed up"

" So can you inform Jin hyung to come and meet me and others" Jimin request after confessing his mistakes jimin had lost Jin's friendship , jin blamed himself for believing a liar over his brother he deeply regret each time when he took jimin's side just to short out the problem when he simply had to stand up for his brother

Of course they are in talking terms after all this years jimin trying to apologise to him but nothing more, Jin don't have any close contact with any other friends and family except namjoon his best friend and now business partner

He talk to Yoongi and hoseok whenever they meet coincidentally or cause of some work otherwise they all have to contact namjoon to ask about Jin , jin really busied himself work beside handling his father's company

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