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This is for my people.

My people.

My people, I apologize for being the
Biggest hypocrite of 2019

You see I was blinded by what they wanted me to see.

I get offended by being called the coolest monkey in the jungle but

I should be proud of
being the capable
provider and barrier
while they lazed around
thinking they were my superior.

Stay woke my brother
I would scream.

Fist held high but still
not knowing what it meant.

Let me break it down and by
the end I'm sure you'll agree .

I'm African American, African,

American malonated by the sun, blacker than the moon

I came from the bottom of mankind, I'm different.

My hairs nappy,
my lips are full my nose wide
and I am bigger than a size two.
I was a fool.

A fool to believe that
I and they were equal, that we were
treated as equals.

I believed us to be in the grey seams but between black
and white,

There could never be.
An inbetween.

There's only black and then there's white.

Segregation hasn't ended
it's just been hidden.

I am African American.

I'm African and that's all you see.

You never liked us

we were never friends.

You tolerated us.

You want to rid me from the world
But get offended when
I speak on the facts and
want me to sleep.

But unlike you,
I don't care about being seen.
Unlike you I don't care about
being in the spot light.
I'm too absorbed in fighting
for my rights.

I'm fighting
for something that was mines but was snatched from me way before I was born.

That was snatched from my people centuries ago.

Let me reintroduce myself

my name is Katrina daughter of Larry and Juanita and I'm here to apologize
to my people for thinking that color was only skin deep that equality was now ours.

But now that I know?
I'll now join the fight
for our dignity for our culture for our respect.

i'm not fighting to be noticed.

Dear white people,
I'm fighting for freedom

BlackBerriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora