Part 4

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ER-I woke up looking out my window go see the sun shining at me. It made my not want to leave my bed is so comfortable. What on earth is that noise? Elizabeth quickly sat up and pulled on some sweats and a hoodie. She made her way down the stairs still confused as to what was making such a rack,et. She got the the bottom of the stairs and saw Jade and Perrie making something in the kitchen.

ER- where are the other...
"AAAAHHHHHH" Elizabeth screamed as Jesy wrapped her arms around her and picked her up. ER- what the hell is she doing. I hate being touched.
"PUT ME DOWN!" She screeched as Jesy had her arms wrapped securely around her waist. She sat her at the kitchen table and Elizabeth was about to leg it when Leigh-Anne stood next to her blocking the way out.
"I want to go to my room." She said standing up from her chair.
"But I made pancakes" Jade said bringing over pancakes covered in syrup. ER- Those look so good but I have to be bad, I need them to leave. What do I do now.
"I'm not hungry" Elizabeth said crossing her arms and leaning back into the chair, now aware of four pairs of eyes on her.
"But babes you haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday." Perrie said walking towards her and bending down to Elizabeth's height.

ER- ugh! I hate all this attention why can't they just leave me alone.
"I'm going out" Elizabeth said jumping past Perrie and heading for her room. The others let her go not wanting to cause an argument.
"Jess what are we going to do with her" Jade sighed sitting down at the island. They all talked about what to do in order to get Elizabeth to like them.

Elizabeth got changed into leggings grabbed a bag and went back downstairs headed for the door. ER- should I say bye... nah. I'm hungry, I think I'll head to the cafe near here. Elizabeth put her headphones on and walked down to a cafe that she loved that was near the house.
"Hot chocolate and a croissant please" she asked the lady before paying and sitting by the window. ER- what should I do today, I can't go home because of those babysitters... maybe I should go see Harry, I haven't seen him in ages. She got out her phone and called him.
"What's up Libby"
"Hi Haribo you busy today?"
"I always have time for you buddy"
"Can I come over?"
"Sure you can anytime Liz you know that"
"Thanks bud I'm on my way now"
"Alright bye"

Elizabeth finished her drink and headed for Harry's house. It wasn't too far away from hers so the walk didn't take very long.
*knock knock*
"Hiya come in"
"Thanks Bud" They both went to the sofa and sat together. They started talking and forgot all about time.

"Where the hell is she?" Perrie said pacing the room as the other three were trying to comfort her.
"We shouldn't have let her leave this morning" Perrie exclaimed hugging Leigh-Anne. Elizabeth had been out since 8am it was now 10pm and there was still no sign of her.
"Jade and I will drive around a bit and see if we can spot her" Jesy said grabbing her car keys and walking out the door with Jade. They had no way of contacting Elizabeth as she had not given them her phone number which they regretted not asking for.

Back at Harry's house...
"As much as I would love to stay I think I need to head back now I don't want them reporting me missing or anything." Elizabeth said getting up and heading for the door. Harry pulled her into a hug and she buried her face into his neck before opening the door and stepping out into the cold air. ER- Damn should have brought more clothes. Oh wow its so dark. I don't like the dark anything could be lurking in the shadows. OMG WHAT'S THAT! Calm down it's just a car, a car moving really slowly towards me. I'm out of here!

Elizabeth started to run back to her house praying someone would be there as she hated being alone in the dark. It was one of her biggest fears. She fumbled with her keys trying to unlock the door when it flew open in front of her. Terrified she turned ready to run again when someone grabbed her arm.
"AAHHHHH" she screamed/cried as she sank to the floor curling up into a ball.
"Sshhhhh it's ok Bubs we've got you" Elizabeth felt two pairs of arms wrapping around her and carrying her inside. Leigh went to grab her phone to call the others that she was safe, while Perrie took her to lay down on the sofa. At this point Elizabeth was starting to calm down from her panicked state, she was curled up with her head on Perrie's lap. Leigh came and sat next to them softly lifting her legs up and placing them on her lap. Elizabeth was too upset to realise what was happening so she just laid there with Perrie stroking her head and Leigh rubbing up and down her legs.

"Where is she" Jade shouted entering the house. After hearing this it brought Elizabeth out of her state and she sat bolt upright leaning away from Perrie's and Leigh's attempts to make her any down again. She attempted to stand up but got pulled back down by Perrie who had an iron grip on her arm. Jade and Jesy entered the room and took the seats opposite her leaving Elizabeth to feel trapped. She sat silently looking down at her lap hoping they would just leave her be. Unfortunately for her that was not the case.

"Where were you all day" Jade said leaning in closer causing Elizabeth to scoot back.
"I was with my friend I was talking to him and forgot the time" she said trying to avoid all the stares aimed towards her. ER-I need to get out of here but every time I try to get up they pull me back. Ugh I guess I will have to ask nicely. Here goes nothing.
"Ca-can I go to my room I'm tired?" ER- Damn why did I stutter please buy it.
"Okay I will come with you to make sure you are alright though" Perrie said Elizabeth was about to argue back but decided against it.

"Goodnight babes" Jade whispered giving Elizabeth a hug which she tried and failed to escape from.
"Night darling" Leigh-Anne leaned in for another hug Elizabeth didn't bother trying to escape this time and was prepared for Jesy's hug as well.
"Sleep well love" Jesy said bringing her close to her and wrapping her arms around her. After a few seconds she pulled away and Elizabeth started heading upstairs Perrie quick to follow.
PE- Ok you got this Pez you need to get her more comfortable around you. I can do this. I'm just going to do it. Perrie placed her hand in the middle of Elizabeth's back earning a jump from Elizabeth who sprinted for her room. PE- No damnit.
Perrie waited a minute then went to Elizabeth's door and knocked.
"Go away" Elizabeth muttered staring at her wall back facing the door as she curled up in her bed.
"I'm going to come in now" Perrie said pushing open the door and stepping into the room.

She sat on Elizabeth's bed and spoke softly to her.
"What made you so scared earlier hmm?"
"It was nothing" Elizabeth stated a bit embarrassed about her fear of the dark.
"Didn't seem like nothing to me, you can trust me I promise." Perrie said slowly edging closer in order to not startle the girl. Elizabeth turned so she was facing Perrie.
"I swear it was nothing, I'm fine." Perrie gave her a look but didn't say anything else. She put out her hand to tuck Elizabeth's hair behind her ear but had to hold in a gasp when she saw her flinch and recoil like she was expecting a hit. PE- Why did she do that? Surely she knows I could never hurt her. I need to tell the others.
"Goodnight baby" Perrie said getting up
"Not a baby" She heard a small voice mutter as she had a last look at Elizabeth's small body lying on the bed before leaving the door slightly ajar and then running down to the others.

The three were all sat having a quiet conversation when they heard Perrie thundering down the stairs.
"Woah Pez what's got you so worked up" Jade said gesturing for her to sit down with them.
"You are not going to like this" Perrie stated.

Hiya sorry for taking so long school has got me busy at the moment. Made this one a bit longer to try to make up for it. Thanks for reading.
-A :)

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