The Silent One {0/5}

94 3 3


||Name Pronounciation||



5' 7

Bisexual but leans more towards guys


||Personality||Zeke is completely silent voice wise, but he makes up for that by having one of the most interesting personalities

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Zeke is completely silent voice wise, but he makes up for that by having one of the most interesting personalities. He tends to be bouncing off walls with energy and can switch from regular excitement to cute little chibi modes!

When people know Sign

When he's made fun of for being silent
When people think he doesn't know what they're saying (he can read lips so and so, not extremely well, but enough to get basics)
Cold weather

||1 Bad Habit||
Constantly swears at people when they're not looking if they've been mean to him. He's a cutie but he can be...interesting with revenge

||1 Weird Habit||
Has to kiss his riceballs before eating them

He has a condition where his voice doesn't work, it's been like this since he was little, so he was taught sign and that's how he communicates as well as notebooks for those that don't know sign language


Scenario 1:
You heard that your school was getting a transfer student who couldn't talk, but could hear. So, you decided that you'd learn sign language so you could understand what the student needed or said so you myght become friends.
The student ended up being enrolled in your school for about a month before you finally approached him as he sat alone at lunch. Sitting across from him you smiled and introduced yourself to him and explained how you were still learning sign language but you could understand the basics.
Zeke seemed ecstatic and he grinned widely, his eyes flashing as he started introducing himself to you

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