Back at the Burrow

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Christmas holidays are about to begin. Percy did his head boy duties and returned to his room to pack up the rest of his belongings. His wand carefully put all his clothes into the trunk and made his bed. Feeling peckish, he went to the kitchens.

As he entered he heard two voices, one of them belonging to Oliver.

"Listen, pal, I am losing my patience. I don't know how much longer I can endure it. I feel that I am being made a fool."

"A fool? You know the deal. You agreed to it," Oliver said.

"If I don't get my part of this cake soon, I will make your life hell. I thought you were good at this. How long does it take?"

"It takes quite a long time, Cormac. Don't get your panties in the bunch."

Percy decided to butt in the conversation. In his "I am better than you" headboy voice he demanded the truth about what was going on.

"What is going on here? Shouldn't the two of you be packing?"

Oliver blushed, he certainly didn't expect Percy to be there.

"What do you care?" Cormac said.

"I happen to be a headboy. I want to know what is going on here."

"Ask your boyfriend." Cormac gave him a filthy look and disappeared.

Oliver quickly made up a lie about a bet he made with Cormac, a bet that included polyjuice potion and its ingredients. He could see Percy did not buy that excuse, but Percy didn't say anything else. He wanted to give Oliver a benefit of the doubt.

Back in their dorm, after Oliver packed, Percy started kissing him. Oliver enjoyed it immensely, but the guilt about the deal with the twins and Cormac was eating him out. After a few minutes, he noticed Percy's hand going much lower than usual, first on his ass and then over his front, lower side.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Percy kissed him and tried to take off Oliver's belt but Oliver stopped him.

"I don't think we should do that. Stop it." He pushed him off and turned around, not wanting to look at Percy's hurt face.

"So what are you going to do this summer?"

No reply. Percy already took his bags and left the room.

Percy felt humiliated, he expected Oliver to respond enthusiastically, but he was mistaken. Not wishing to see anyone at the moment he walked to the gates of the school. Unfortunately, Ginny saw him.

"Percy, what are you doing?"

"Leaving, I will apparate back home. I am not in the mood to go by train."

"But, Percy...?"

Her question wasn't even finished when, with a loud crack, Percy disappeared and apparated back to the Burrow.

"Who's there?" Molly asked.

"Just me, mom." He replied.

"Shouldn't you be on the train?"

"I decided not to go on the train this time. I have too much to study with the NEWTs approaching. Bunch of students on the train would just distract me."

"Did you tell anyone about that decision?"

"Yeah, I saw Ginny and told her that."

"Ok, but you are not going to study without some food. I can make you pancakes."

"Thanks, mom. Where's dad?"

"'At work, of course. Is everything okay?"

"Just dandy."

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