Back from Egypt, finally

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Entering the burrow at the end of a summer was like a dream come true for Percy Weasley. Family spent holidays in Egypt, visiting Bill and although Bill was one of his favorite brothers, 3 months in hot climate was too much and coming back was a much needed relief. He immediately took his luggage upstairs, almost toppling Fred as he ran towards his room.

He wasn't quite sentimental nor overly attached to his room, but it was only place where he could be himself. Next to his bed was his dream board which contained things he hoped to achieve in next 10 years. You could see "minister for magic" written in red letters and adorned with yellow stars, "get rich(er)" in green letters, "own a mansion" in blue letters. The last thing was "tell family" in various bright colors. He never told anyone what it meant and he was confident they would never guess.

Over his bed was a dream catcher which was given to him by an old aunt whom he saw only once. He didn't care for her, but he found dream catcher cute and put it over his bed. Once orange walls were now painted grey since that color relaxed him (as he grew older, orange color started to give him headaches. Twins used that fact to torture him by charming his bedsheets, his pillow and his covers into bright orange colors while he slept during last Hogwarts year exactly 4 times. Later he charmed his bed so anyone who comes close to it during night thinks of something they forgot and leave. He kicked himself for not thinking of it sooner).

Being so tired, he quickly fell asleep and woke up 6 hours later. Awoken, he heard girlish laugh which could not belong to Ginny, it was a bit higher, but at the same time, mature.

"Hermione," Percy grunted.

He was in a good mood (good for Percy anyway) and decided to go downstairs and greet her. Coming down to dining room, he also noticed Harry.

"Hey Percy," they both greeted, although Hermione seemed much happier to see him than Harry was, but it doesn't matter. Percy waved his wand (he could do magic now outside the school since he had just turned 17)  in order to help his mother serve the table. He took plates from her to and sent them flying down on the table. Molly took out her wand and levitated food to the table. There was some kind of soup, roasted chicken, salad and finally pudding for dessert.

During dessert, Percy and his father had a talk about wizards in Germany who accidentally drank veritaserum instead of a luck potion in front of a policeman that stopped them for driving through red light. They told policeman about wizarding world, about their jobs in german ministry of magic and how floo powder works. When they came to their senses, they had to modify his memory. Percy was adamant that they should have been punished, but Arthur saw it as a joke. Arthur liked to talk to Percy about the magical government since it was only thing they had in common. His third son was neither like him nor Molly in personality, only his outer appearance confirmed he was indeed a Weasley.

As Percy started to collect empty dishes with his wand, his eyes caught Ron's left hand gently holding Hermione's right.

He quietly whispered into Ron's ear.

"You know that when holding hands secretly during the dinner, you need to put them much lower than that."

Ron blushed and let go of Hermione who looked confused.

Percy once again whispered.

"I said to hold hands lower, not to let go."

"Idiot," Percy thought. He could already see that Ron would have as much success with girls as Fred or George with "Outstanding" in all of their classes. As he passed Fred and George he "accidentally" hit them both with an elbow. Yes, he still did not forget that they tried to lock him in a pyramid. Thank God mom was there.

Things I hate about you (Perciver)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora