Chapter One-Feminist Bad Women

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NPR radio interview with author Suzanne Venker, (2014), about how feminism is terrible for women, right in the media section.

Warning: It is rated Mature.

You must be 15 years and over to see and hear it.



Candace watched the Anti-Feminists Association, or AFA protestors launch their vitriolic tirade against The System...

...And caused some of the NYPD Officers to beat them down with batons.

"Go away, you pigs!", Shelly Abobert, the Leader of The Lesbian Rights for Change, (or LRC), shouted...before she was sprayed with a hose...And her rantings ended in a flood of gushing water across the red dress.


Colt walked to the gate.

"What's the hold up? I got a job...".

"Some group of lesbians hate the NYPD for enforcing laws on them. And they're pissed off. Candace was about to call to complain", Police Enforcer Bob West, said. 

"I thought she wouldn't be into the radicals".

"She's not! Besides, the lesbians are wanting same-sex marriage in all US states. And it's like a  warzone".

"Deal with them".

"Okay. But the last lesbian I interviewed, kicked me in the balls".

"Arrest the bitch. Do your job, Bob. 'Bye!".



Candace wore a orange singlet.

Her ample breasts turned guys on.

But not cops.

Colt burst inside.


"Colt! You arrived to drill me about procedures".

"Listen, honey, I won't let you mess things...Is that a singlet?", he asked.

"Yes! I wear it because I love it. If guys ogle my breasts...maybe I'll be like Julia Roberts in 'Erin Brockovich'", she answered.

"Let's talk. Have some coffee...And two burgers. And a woman I love is involved in this mess".

"This mess is because of the enforcement of womens' rights in the 21st Century". She sighed; Colt's short black hair was cut military-style.

"Feminism is a staged act, honey. It feeds discontent on the citizens. Feminists even discontinue calling them feminists. There's no movement like the 1950's...1960's...and 1970's; there's a slowdown in the 1980's, 1990's, and '00's; there's...nohing. Maybe some websites that promote feminist idealism...And rights...

..."And people read books on the subject. But now it's...over. I correct peoples' laws as they hoon around on the freeways...or if couples make out. They should get a cheap Motel...Or Hotel...And there's laws on low clothes".

"Well, girls should pull their jeans up".

"Do I have to enforce the new laws without girls reacting badly? It's a job. And I intend to do my job". And he wrapped his arms around Candace's slim waist with his strong hands.

Enforced Police Procedures of Bad Women Book OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ