Son petit minou

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"Alrighty- no more sappy stuff. Less chatting, more working," I declared walking passed him. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him an affirming smile. After all, he deserves only the best. Who ever it is he likes, they're one lucky person, I remorse. I leapt off the building with Chat temporarily by my side before parting opposite ways to start patrol. 

The patrol carried on a lot longer than I intended. Having it be so late, the two of us did not wish or bid each other good night. Instead, we simply texted good bye and decided to head home. I dropped down, falling between a narrow gap of two older buildings and un-transformed. It was so dark in the little alleyway, I had to feel my way around to get to the exit. At last, a single, flickering lamp post came into view, and I began guiding myself home. It was a rather cold night, but I rubbed my hands against my arms and pulled my jacket tighter around my chest.

It seemed not a lot of people lived around this area, and if they did they were awfully quiet. Bushes and other over-grown vegetation lined some of the aged, worn buildings. Vines could be vaguely seen traveling up the sides, entangling and intertwining with each other. Some would find the space eerie and unnerving, I however found it astonishingly beautiful. Something about its imperfections brought peace to my mind. 

I begin to pick up the pace, though I would have rather stayed and admired the beauty of my surroundings. If I don't get home in time, my parents are going to have suspicions. It was dumb of me to tell them I would be hanging out with Alya, I thought while checking the time of my phone. 

Being on a straight, open path, I close my eyes and focus on the sounds that the lovely night was offering me. It was fairly quiet, so I could only could hear the distant traffic, and the light wind whooshing past my ears that gave me goose bumps. I continued to pace forward, taking it all in contently. I was then instantaneously alerted when my footsteps and the distant sound of traffic were no longer the only things I could hear. Something else came into proximity, a familiar sound. I continued walking, but slowed down to focus on the heightened sound coming my direction. Wait, I know what it is. It sounds like Chat's baton?  I pondered, looking around for the source of the echoing sound. Upon realisation, a dark and speedy figure zoomed from directly above, exiting my view once he passed the building right of me. Without a doubt, it had to be Chat noir. 

He's probably heading home now, I considered. I continued walking for a few steps, the sounds of his baton no longer ringing out in the area. That's strange, he was above me a few seconds ago. I should still be able to hear him. Subsequently, and without warning, I get the fright of a lifetime as a dark, blurry shape jumps out in front of me.

"Boo! Did I scare you, Purrincess? he announced, leaning in to see my reaction. 

Purrincess? I thought to myself in disbelief. This boy can not be serious.

"Geez, don't do that, Chat Noir. You're a super hero, not a villain! That actually alarmed me,' I nagged, placing my hand on my anxious heart. As Marinette, I had had quite a few encounters with Chat Noir, majority of the experiences being unpleasant and bothersome. But, I have to admit, quite amusing. 

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. It's my duty to save damsels in distress from dark, empty and abandoned streets,' he said looking around, a little confused. "As a hero, of course,' he added.

"Hmph, I think I am capable of taking care of myself, thanks,' I poked fun at him, walking passed him and his offering hand. 

"But what kind of hero would they take me for? Leaving behind a lovely lady like yourself, I could never!"

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