Chapter 12: Pros and Cons

Start from the beginning

Kei turned to look at Kiyoko who held Keomi in her arms as Ryu gazed at her affectionately.


After his birthday celebration, Kei and Mizuki finally made it home to their apartment. Mizuki plopped down on the sofa and sighed tiredly.

"Holy! How does your brother and Saeko-chan handle 3 kids every single day..." She groaned, shutting her eyes as she leaned back on the sofa.

Kei was unusually silent at the drive home. His thoughts were jumbled up and he knew that he probably shouldn't be thinking about what he was thinking about. They were still young and they had many things they wanted to do that they hadn't had a chance to accomplish yet.

"Like, I love my nephews and my niece, of course, but they're so hectic! It's crazy!" Mizuki added.

"We should make a baby." Kei blurted out, causing her to open her eyes in surprise.

"... Huh?"

He moved to her and sat down on the sofa. She seemed dazed and confused at his statement. Kei meant it though.

"I want a baby." He declared, his eyes glistening with sincerity.

"Kei...? What..." Mizuki shook her head in disbelief.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing from her husband. As a response, he planted a soft kiss on her nose and gazed at her once more. This time, his eyes expressed resolve and promise, causing Mizuki to hold her breath in anticipation.

"You. Me. Baby." Kei stated firmly.

"I-I know! I heard you!" She shook her head, clearly in a panic, "But... Are you serious?"

"I'm serious." He nodded.

"But... We..." She trailed off, unable to formulate coherent words.

"You don't want a baby?" He asked worriedly.

"Of course I do!" Mizuki exclaimed.

"Then what are we waiting for?" He raised an eyebrow curiously, moving his hand and placing it on her thigh.

"I... Kei...?" She squeaked, feeling lightheaded from his proposal.

"I know it won't be easy..." He murmured, "And if you're not ready, I don't want to pressure you. I just... I feel that..."

Mizuki gathered up the courage to look up at him. His golden-brown eyes were so warm and inviting, and his charming words were enough for her to feel like melting into a puddle.

"I feel that we'd be good parents... Or, at least... We'd try our hardest to be good parents." Kei continued softly.

Mizuki remained silent and Kei was concerned that his suggestion to make a baby had made her feel uncomfortable.

"Sorry..." He shook his head quickly, "Maybe we shouldn't-"

"Let's make a pros and cons list." Mizuki interrupted him.

Kei's eyes widened as he processed her startling statement.

"If we're serious about having a baby, I think we should discuss the good and the bad and what it would mean for us..." She explained bashfully, "I mean, we'd be raising a baby... It's a huge responsibility..."

"Mizuki...? Is that... A yes?" Kei smiled slightly, and she couldn't help but smile a little too.

"It's not a yes yet! We need our pros and cons list-" She repeated, only for him to interrupt her by tackling her with a hug. She laughed mirthfully.

This Side of Paradise - Tsukishima Kei x OCWhere stories live. Discover now