Stubborn. Like his father. And you.

Y/N: Something is bothering you. You can talk to me if you need to.

Damian just crossed his arms and sat back.

Damian: I don't need a therapist.

Y/N: I'm not saying you do. But what happened, it was a lot. For everyone. And I don't want you to feel like you need to handle this on your own.

Damian didn't respond. He just sat there.

You felt bad for this kid. His father goes missing, his brother leaves the family, and now everyone was at war. It really seemed like everything was falling apart around him.

But he wasn't going to talk. That's fine. He didn't need to if he didn't want to. So you just sat there. Both of you sat there. In the silence. You just listened to the radio.

Honestly, you have no idea how much time had passed before he moved.

Damian: Do you think, he would be disappointed?

You looked up at the young boy.

Damian: My father. Do you think he would be disappointed in us?

You gave that question some thought.

Y/N: Honestly, I don't know. But I can say this, with certainty. He wouldn't be disappointed in you. Not even a little bit.

Damian looked up towards you.

Y/N: You fought like hell and you only stopped because you had to. You protected Gotham to the best of your abilities and you stayed strong through it all.

Damian slowly looked down at his hands.

Damian: But it wasn't enough. Richard and his goons got away. The Black Mask and his organization got away. The only victory we had was against Duke. He was the only one we beat.

Y/N: That's not true. Actually, we did quite a bit after you were pulled out. I guess no one told you about that, though.

Damian seemed surpised.

Y/N: Terry took down Bane and Melanie. Everyone else took down down least three targets each. At the end of the day, we weren't licking our wounds with our tails tucked between our legs. Some got away, and that's fine. We'll find them. And we'll put them away.

Damian looked at you for a moment before he sighed.

Damian: At least, we did some good. That's what father would've said, right?

You smiled.

Y/N: Yeah. I think so.

You looked over at the clock. It was only noon.

Y/N: Hey, want to play some basketball?
Alfred was cleaning the dishes when Cassandra and Terry walked in from the cave.

Terry: Hey, Alf. Do we have any milk?

Alfred: I swear, if someone asks me that question one more time....

Cassandra checked the fridge.

Cassandra: We do not.

Terry: Damn. I'll have to have Selina pick some up the next time she comes over.

The two suddenly heard laughter from outside which surpised them. They both looked out the window to see you and Damian on the basketball court.

Cassandra: What are they doing?

Alfred: Those two have been outside playing a game called "HORSE". Since Master Y/N cannot engage in much physical activity, this was their best compromise.

Terry: Is the little terror, smiling?

Cassandra looked closer and sure enough, he was. You threw the ball and made it in to which Damian smirked. He then tooo your place and threw a ball of his own. It went in.

Damian: You should just give up, Batboy. You're at S and I haven't even missed yet.

Y/N: Okay, cool it, Deadshot. I still got some tricks up my sleeve. Jordan!

You threw the ball, but missed.

Y/N: Michael Jordan, you have failed me.

Damian laughed at your misery but you were smiling too.

Terry smirked.

Terry: Hm. Your Dynamic Duo, everybody. Playing basketball, looking like normal people.

Cassandra smiled a bit. You grabbed the ball and tossed it to Damian. He wouldn't admit this to you, or anyone for that matter, but he....actually felt like you were his brother.

Maybe taking a break like this wasn't so bad after all.

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