The day before the confront

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Kion POV

Jasiri came back being a little tired. Her eyes seemed to be a little red as well. I apologized for my loudness.

"I'm sorry that your looking like that," I said while showing what I made her look like.

Jasiri just said that if she was to tell me about all of Vitani and everything, it would probably be a good thing.

"Before I tell you everything about Vitani, you should probably take a seat first." She said patting a spot next to her. I then sat next to the hyena. "Well here I go." Jasiri said.

A few stories later

"And that's far as I know anyways." She said while out of breath.

"I can tell you we're singing the cubs to sleep, you're voice is nearly gone." I said chuckling.

"*whispers* Yet I have to tell Vitani, she'll be a little skeptical if Kion knew about her." Jasiri whispered to herself getting my attention.

"Oh Kion, sorry but you have to go now. I need to get my sleep so see ya." Jasiri said walking off weirdly.

"Guess she is really tired then." I said while walking off to my home.

I became a little suspicious about my sister, if she knew that I got a day off...then why'd she wake me up? Maybe she just forgot or our parents forgot to tell her. Lots of regional excuses.

I made my way back home to see Kiara sneakily enter our cave. Why would she do that?

I walked behind her and gave her a little scare.

"Ahhh Kion don't do that to me." She jumped and punched my shoulder. (Why does everyone have to punch me there?)

"Well I wanna know why'd you sneak into our home when we can just walk normally." I said which made her just say- "I forgot something that's all." Now I knew she was lying.

I have a suspicion that she's probably seeing someone and that someone is probably Kovu. She has his scent on her fur and... she wouldn't would she? They we're probably just kissing.

I had a huge grin on me saying that I knew she was hiding something.

"What's with that grin Kion?" She asked me.

"You tell me. Dad said we shouldn't be in the Outlands, yet you've been hanging out with your boyfriend Kovu. And next time Kiara, don't come back home with his scent all over you." I finished to see an astonished Kiara. But it soon changed to a fearful look.

"Ho-how did yo-you know that. I told you t-to go on a fake pa-patrol." She said stuttering alot. I knew she was scared.

"I won't tell Mom and Dad if, you help me out with getting to know what a girl wants." I said to see Kiara sighing I know that she will considering that she wanted to keep it a secret. I have no clue on what girls like so Kiara is a really good subject to be on. I know that I went to Jasiri but she was telling me about Vitani, not about girl's.

She then gave me a grin and I knew what she was going to say. "Kiara I just need help with a girl, I don't want to be with her. I just wanna help her get her mind off of what's happening to her that's all." I was telling the truth but lied I was in love with Vitani that I always thought of her every day and every night since we last saw each other

"Really tho Kion, do you really wanna help out a friend and not be closer to her?" She said still keeping that grin our family has.

"Look Kiara I know what your thinking and I'm just here for her to get her mind off of her mother," I tried to come up with an excuse and eventually I said that "She died a few days ago and is really sad." I said with fake tears in my eyes.

Kiara wanted to comfort me but she saw that I still had a grin on my face. "Kion do you want to get close to this person?" Was what she said, I do want but I can't let Kiara let Mom and Dad know even though she wouldn't rat me out either. I sighed knowing that she will be suspicious.

"Fine Kiara I do have a crush on her, for a long, long, long, long, long, long time now. So don't tell Mom and especially not Dad." I pleaded to her. The first thing she did was punching me in the shoulder...multiple times to be exact. The second thing she did was tell me about how I should never do that again and thirdly. Well I explain.

"I'll tell you Kion, but first of all. You tell me...who is she?" She looked at me. I couldn't tell her and if I did she would probably be confused on how I met her.

"It's a...personal thing Kiara." I said looking at my paws, they were shaking alot. I know she would always ask but this?

"Oh Kion, you're lovestruck as well aren't you." She asked me making me blush I looked away from her.

She was laughing but I pounced on her making her shut up.

"Rude." She said "How am I rude? Your basically just..." I trailed off.

"Just get off of me Kion, I won't ask who this girl is, but can I ask who it's not?" She said with a pleading face.

I shook my head yes and said "Okay it's not Tiffu nor Zuri OR Fuli. I don't like them that way." I know people always say that we're good for each other but she and I are just friends.

Kiara was looking confused scrathing herself on the head.

She spoke up saying what I really needed to hear.

We spoke for sometime. And I actually enjoyed talking it's something I never thought I would find, at a young age too.

It was now sunset, Kiara and I we're looking at the horizon and soon we fell asleep.

It wasn't that long but it was long for me, I had to really imagine on how I would make them more oh what's the word? Descriptive that's it! If you want chapters that don't take too long I won't do too many descriptions but I will include some. Well anyways that is going to be my probably last chapter of the week before I go on a long hiatus. So I'll try to update my other stories too as well as this one. Until then SEE YA!!

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