We make a good team huh?

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I wanna explain on Kion and Vitani real quick. Kovu and Kiara are 4 month's old, while Kion and Vitani are 2 month's old, Kion and Vitani are 2 month's younger than Kiara and Kovu. I think that explains it all.

Kion has been wondering around the Border of the Outlands for some time now, he's been more focused on finding his sister, that he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings at all.

He stumbled into someone, saying that he was sorry.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention on where I was going, let me help you up." Kion insisted.

What Kion didn't know, was that he saw the cub was his age, and a lioness, and without another word, she pounced on him pinning him to the ground.

"Why are you here at the border of the Outlands and Pride Lands cub?" The lioness said growling.

"Well, uhm." Kion had no idea what to say, this was an Outlander but he saw something that was good inside her...or something.

"Well firstly: My name is Kion.
Secondly: I'm looking for my sister.
Thirdly: Who are you and can you please get off of me." Kion said trying to stay calm.

"Well that makes 2 of us trying to find our siblings." The Lioness said a little harshly, but still calmly, she continued. "Kion was it? My name is Vitani, now I think a cub like you shouldn't be in the Outlands." The lioness now known as Vitani told Kion to leave.

"Well uhm, shouldn't you come with me? Because you know." Kion said not entirely straight forward.

"Why should I come with you, and cause what Kion?" Vitani demanded him to tell her.

"Well, aren't you apart of the Pride Lands? I mean if I leave, shouldn't you leave as well?" Kion just kept on asking Vitani, but she was going to lose it.

Vitani got off of Kion and just turned around leaving him. She spoke to him to say a few words. "Well Kion, I'm an Outlander, and I need to find my brother. So see ya." She said.

Kion got up and went after her. Yelling something. "Wait Vitani, why don't we,
you know, help each other find our siblings together, maybe it'll be quicker." Kion said while following Vitani.

Vitani then finally looked at Kion and sighed, "Fine Kion, just don't get too close to me, I like my space." Vitani said searching alot of bushes.

"I think I found my brother's sent." Vitani said getting excited.

Kion only shook his head and told her, "Vitani I don't think that would be your brother's scent, believe me. I tried alot to find my sister's scent, and it brought me here, but that's when it stopped. So we should probably help each other out by searching the area we are at and meet back up with each other." Kion said which shocked Vitani and decided that it might be useful.

"You know for a cub, you're pretty smart Kion." Vitani complemented Kion.

"That's the first complement I've ever gotten from you." Kion said walking alongside Vitani.

Vitani instantly looked at Kion, "Kion, I need my space." She said and they we're off.

Short time skip brought from the wind of adventure

Kion and Vitani have been getting close to each other and actually becoming good friends.

"Wow! You took out your eldest brother on one pin!" Kion said not believing it.

"Ahu, what about you Kion?" Vitani said.

Kion was a little...constipated about that question. Sure he may've pinned Kiara on one go, but she pinned her eldest brother.

"Hmm I wonder if I have a big brother?" Kion thought but just shrugged the feeling off.

They walked and actually (more like eventually) found their siblings *with each other as well* for some strange reason.

"So it looks like we found them." Vitani said getting sad.

Kion was looking at Vitani and also felt sad. He knew that they wouldn't meet again... (but what if they could?)

"Hey Vitani." Kion said.

Vitani replied with a yes and a small fake smile.

"Why don't we meet each other again, you know when we're a little older. We could meet each other again in Hakuna Matata falls once everything is fine and all." Kion said with a smile.

Vitani liked the idea, but going out late and as a cub who is no more than 2 months old?! That's insane.

Vitani looked at Kion and said, "Well it would be nice to see you again...but were still Cubs. Maybe when we're older we can meet with each other again at Hawuna Matata falls." Vitani said smiling.

"It's actually pronounced Ha-kuna Matata falls. Not Hawuna Matata falls." Kion said correcting Vitani.

Vitani punched Kion's shoulder playfully and chuckled.

"Come on. Let's go and have a little "chat" with our siblings." Vitani said leaving Kion in the dust.

"Hey. Wait up!" Kion yelled after Vitani running the same direction she went.

Wow this was not long, but also not short... now I wanted this chapter to be brought out. Now I know that this is short and a little similar to my other book but hey! It's WAAYYYY different then there counterparts one. Now I got work to do for this next chapter. So see you all in the next one. PEACE

A match made in Heaven (A Kion X Vitani Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant