Till we meet again...

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Kion stopped Vitani saying that it's a little risky now. They saw both of there parents eyeing each other down. And he didn't want then to be apart of it.

Vitani instantly turned her head to Kion and said, "What do you mean by it's too risky Kion? We can just walk in on them holding our paws together. " She said to him sarcastically.

"w-Well...u-uhm" Kion started to stutter, feeling a little embarrassed blushed. "Our parents'll probably get mad, and considering that we, "ditched and disobeyed them". We should come up with an excuse." Kion said while Vitani rolled her eyes.

Vitani just stared at Kion, she sighed and gave in. "So what's the excuse I can use Kion?" She said in her sassy voice.

Kion was a little underwhelmed, he knew that if Vitani was able to sneak out of their cave, then maybe she could sneak back in. "I have a plan, but I think you should just, sneak back into your cave." Kion looked away from Vitani, thinking he was going to get slapped...but no slap.

She just stared at Kion. There was a huge silence, Kion finally broke it to say.

"I know it's stupid, but Im just trying to help a friend." He said while his head was down.

Vitani didn't like the idea but Kion was right. She could sneak back in without anyone knowing that she was gone. She let out a small chuckle and patted Kion's head saying that it's fine. And she'll do it.

"Kion...remember. In a year, we meet each other again the exact time the exact date." She said with a calming voice." No excuses, except for the one I'm gonne give for you to stay out of trouble." She said jokingly.

Kion laughed silently, but Vitani still heard it. He finally lifted his head up waiting for Vitani to...what I can only comprehend is looking for a solution to help him.

Vitani's head popped up, indicating that she had an idea. "Ok I have an idea, it'll probably get you into trouble, but not as much as you would." She said trying to explain to Kion.

Vitani then told him to, go back to the border, and tell your father that you found your sisters scent go to the Outlands. But you stayed at the border.

Vitani looked at Kion in the eyes, and gave him a small nuzzle saying that. "This is the last time we see each other." Vitani said looking at Kion. To her surprise Kion gave her a lick on her muzzle. They both chuckled and said their goodbyes.

Kion POV
"Kion." A voice said to me from afar.

"Kion." The voice said, but louder this time.

"KION!!" I woke up from my nap almost instantly.

"Oh it was just a dream." I said while stretching, the animal who woke me up was my sister Kiara. She was mad at me.

"Kion I know you had a little "adventure" in the Outlands, and I know that you made a friend who is a hyena. But I want you to get your lazy butt out of here and patrol the Pride Lands.

"Always bossy as usual." I thought and before I went out of the cave I said- "Love you too sis." and left.

I went on my patrol around the Pride Lands alone. I can have some me time while also looking for trouble to stop can't I? I can but I really need to remember one thing, and that's meeting my friend again. I really enjoyed her company and everything about her (That sounded weird) but most importantly is that...I think I have a crush on her.

I sighed looking at the watering hole seeing Bunga do alot of cannonball's I decided to go to him. Considering he was supposed to be patrolling, I then remembered that my parents said that we could have a break from patrolling.

"Evil never rests." I said to myself and decided to leave Bunga at his fun.

"It's been an entire year and I finally get to see her again. I wonder how she is? She must've gotten a whole lot stronger, and beautiful then the last time I saw her." I said to myself, I then felt a breath behind, it gave me a chill and I looked behind to see Fuli.

I jumped from seeing and feeling Fuli (that came out wrong) and I was more afraid of her knowing what I said.

"Hey Fuli. You uh, you didn't hear anything on what I said right? Please tell me you didn't hear a single word come out of my mouth." I asked so much from the Great Lions of The Past.

She rolled her eyes and just said that, "I'll keep your little girlfriend secret Kion." And patted his head before speeding off.

I sighed knowing Fuli won't tell anyone. I thought of something that I didn't think of before, and I know that my sister said to patrol even though I don't need to...hmm what are you doing Kiara? I just shrugged off the feeling and continued until I saw the Outlands and Jasiri's territory.

Ok I know what you're all thinking. I may've been almost gone if it wasn't for her, but she is the only other femal animal who are not my Pride Land Friends or Family. Plus my family with probably get too into my crush and feelings.

I walked into Jasiri's territory and found her. She saw me came rushing up to me.

"Hey Kion how are ya." She said in her usual excited voice.

I smiled and said that I'm doing fine. I then gestured her to follow me to a private place for us to talk.

"Well, Jasiri." I started feeling a little nervous. "I'm in a little predicament right now and uhm well... I need some help on a certain subject I can't tell my family about." I said hoping she was going to say yes and help me.

"And that subject would be?" She questioned me, I sighed and told her that I have a crush on someone. She seemed to really enjoy my company and told me alot of thing's on how I could get Vitani...maybe only time will tell.

Jasiri looked at me with a questionably face.

"Kion, if it's not a bother. Why don't you tell me about this so-called crush of yours." Jasiri said which I really felt as if I wanted to but also I didn't want to. "If not I can just leave you." She said which was a little more clear. Well no time like the present I guess.

"Well her name is Vitani-" I was cut off by Jasiri pouncing on me.

"Oh my goodness, *squeal* this works out for the both of you!!!" She said which just made me confused.

Jasiri saw my confused face and told her that she is bestfriends with Vitani.

"WAIT! You're telling me only now even tho we've been friends for a day after you saved me, that your friend's with my crush!?" I yelled a little too loud and the cubs were screaming. Probably waking from there nap cause of me.

Jasiri just looked at me and sighed. "I'll tell you everything when I'm finished putting the cubs to sleep." She said with a happy expression which quickly changed into a tired expression.

"Guess I'm gonna wait here then." I said to myself.

And done. I'm slow now I know but hey! I have chapters coming and before I update any of my other books I actually wanna make this one at least 6 chapters like my other books so yeah. Like always I'll see you all in my next chapter. BYEEEEEEEEE!!!

A match made in Heaven (A Kion X Vitani Story)Where stories live. Discover now