Chapter Five: Requests

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Yes, but thats exactly why I do it. Plus, You love me. So it makes up for the fact I call you Ster.

What makes you so sure that I love you?

Everyone does. I giggle hysterically because its probably the exact opposite.

Okay, I'm not gonna hurt your large ego, by letting you think whatever you want.

Fine then, I will think the same way. You know why? Because its the truth.

Sure. So is that all you wanted to talk about? My unconditional, undying, love for you?

Suprisingly no. I'm going to have the house to myself tonight and wanted to know if you'd keep me company for a while.

Gosh Faith, I can't say I'm suprised, because I knew you were in love with me as well.

Slow your role sparky. I just want your company, no love included whatsoever. I grinned smugly even though he couldn't see it.

Luering me into your trap. Nice move faye, nice move. Well, I don't have any plans so, I guess I will allow you to enjoy my presence for the night.

Look who has the big ego now.

HaHa, when should I come over?

NOW! I cheered like a little kid.

Be there in ten.

Bye Ster baby! I said rushed so i could hang up the phone before he responded.

As I hung up, something outside the window caught my eye. A U-Haul truck was sliding into the driveway next to mine. A man and woman stepped out of the truck and went straight through the front door. A couple maybe? Wouldn't they have kissed or even touched at some point then.

Either way, I'm glad to have new neighbors. That house has been empty for months. Ooo! Maybe someone will occupy the window across from mine. I love looking into people's bedrooms for some odd reason. I feel like it gives me an insight on their lives and personality.

Literally, a window into their lives.

Staring out my window, I could see not only that lonely window, but their front yard as well. The man came back out of the house, which was actually larger than our own two story home, and started to unlock the truck. Shirtless might I add. Quite a sight it was. For that whole time, I just watched, as his very built muscles flexed, picking up the larger things. He was carrying things by himself that I didn't think was physically possible. I could never get a glimpse of his face, but his abbs were defiantly on point. He was perfectly sized. Broad shoulders that complement his enormous biceps. Chiseled abbs and stunning back muscles. He must've been hot and tired because of the eighty five degree weather and all that heavy lifting.

My stare was broken when I jumped at the sound of the doorbell. I rush downstairs and to the large wooden door. Standing in the entry way, was a deep in thought Sterling. He looked away from the side of the household that my new neighbors were on, then looked at me with furrowed brows and worried eyes. His jaw was set and his eyes fixated on what I think was my lips.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I looked into his hazel irises, though he refused to look into my blue ones. Pulling the door wider and taking a step back, he hesitantly, proceeded into my house with me closing the door behind him. He turned to me, hands in pockets

"So what did you have in mind?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't really think about it." I spoke genuinely confused on why it was so awkward and thinking about what we could do.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He suggested. That sounds amazing! I started squealing and jumping around like a little kid.

"Yassss!!!!!!!!" I ran upstairs to my room, Sterling falling far behind my strides of happiness.

"I swear your like a four year old."

"Hey," I pointed at him standing in my door way, "We're all kids at heart. Some just... show it more."

"Whatever you say princess." He said before chuckling. I did a little courtesy and spin to show off my princess features.

"Well, I have Netflix set up, so you sir, get to choose our movies."

"Hmm. The choices are immense mah' lady. I'm debating between horror and a chick flick."

"Well with horror, I'll be hiding the entire time and screaming my head off. Chick flick, I'll be crying in my head about their perfect love, because, well, I don't cry."


"Awe! You know me so well!" I attacked him with a bare hug, locking my arms around his neck and wrapping my legs around his pelvis.

"Jeez Faith. Don't choke me to death. We don't want two hot guys dying in one day."

"I'm sowwy Sterwing." I spoke in my best attempt at a baby voice.

"You know that doesn't work on me right?"

"It does when I do it!" Shooting him a wink I bounce off to my bed. He lingers still closer to the doorway than to me. Something is wrong with him. And I can't figure it out.
"Your not going to stay there all night are you?" He stayed silent while gnawing on his lip and lifting his gaze frommy bed to my eyes.

"You want me over there with you?" He asked nervously.

"Um duh! Come snuggle Ster Baby!"

"Okay, but you asked for it."

"Asked for wha- Ahhhhhh!" I couldn't finish my sentence because Sterling had already whisked me up in his arms and threw me over his shoulder. "Let me down, ya big lug!" I yelled between laughs.

"Gosh Faye, you really want me to do this? Whatever you say my queen." I tried to retaliate, but was interrupted by my entire body being slammed on to my bed. So glad I god the queen Temperpedic otherwise that would've hurt. Though it wasn't time to celebrate yet because Sterling had thrown himself on top of me while continuously tickling my sides.

"Stop... Please... I'll... Do... Anything!" I gasped between breaths.

"Anything?" He asked, getting off of me and helping me to my feet.


"You really shouldn't have said that either." He remarked with a grin.

"Oh no, sire what horrid dead shall I do to satisfy you?"

"Well there are multiple things." Grin widening as he thought of what I could do.

"Nothing I wouldn't do in the first place!"

"Then how about a kiss? For thy Prince Charming."

"Charming indeed. Is that all you ask for my night in shining armor?"

Stepping forward, Sterling places his hands on my shoulders, sliding them down inch by inch till he's holding my elbows in either hand, taking in every bit of my goose bump covered arms. He used that as a maneuver to bring me closer to him. I could smell his minty breath fanning over my nose. Our noses pressed together as he brought me closer until the only gap between us was the millimeter separating our lips.

"It's all that I want." He whispered against my lips.

Proving You WrongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora