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I got out my room, the same time did I see Jimin, who looked back at me guiltily.

I....think I never had to confess. He already knows ,doesn't he? It wasn't really a question...more like a realization.  I sat down, so did he with Hoseok. 

I caught from the corner of my eye, Jungkook tapping his feet excessively. He always becomes terribly nervous when it came to these things--

Always afraid he would disappoint Namjoon in some way.

I already knew he was probably asking himself if he did anything wrong. 

Then there slowly came Tae, with a red sweater on, -which wasn't what I saw him in earlier--

and basketball shorts. His face wore a frown and eyes were red. He hesisted. All these things I saw from the corner of my eye. 

I had a straight face, and kept my head from turning and my gaze from faltering off of the wall in front of me. 

He sat beside me, a little too close for comfort.

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