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We both turned to the man at the door. The man I call friend- the man that I call--

"What are you doing with this whore?"

My eyes were watering.

What did he say? Jimin gasped.

"H-hobi don't speak of him that way!"

"Come here"

"No. I'm speaking with him. Go away"

"Come here Jimin"

"N-no I-"

"Get out" They here me say. I'm tired 

I'm hungry

I'm sad

I'm cold

"See. He doesn't want you here. Come lay with me baby"

I turned my head, when did Hoseok become like this?  'Don't go. Don't go', I say in inaudible words that only I can understand.

 ' Don't listen. Don't listen' but does Jimin obey? No, he sighs and I hear him walk with the other. I get up and close my door and don't wake up until Namjoon calls.

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