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I stood up from my chair a few minutes later, with bad thoughts that often discouraged me.

I came out of my room and stopped at Jimin's. My destination was the Kitchen and to get there I must pass his room. I automatically regret  leaving my den.

"Say it!"

"A-ahh Ughhh Hobi I- AH"

"Say. It." The headboard makes a heart crushing noise.

"I love you so-AH!- much. Y-you're all I need!"

"You won't scream like this for anyone right? Bae?"

"N-not for--ahhhh- anyone. O-only hobi"

"Good boy"

Tears drops down my eyes. But I sustain a straight face. My eyes do end up travelling to the floor as I continue my walk to the kitchen.

I head to the fridge and take out some water. I turn around and it isn't until I do that,

that I noticed a plate covered with some plastic cover and a note. 

It had water residue on the inside of the cover, like what happens when boiling a pot of water and you see water on the cover.

I took the plate up, recognizing it as the plate Taehyung was offering me. Guess he warmed it.

I took that and my bottle of water to my room. Ignoring the mop of red hairs that poked from out from the corridor.

What we he trying to do?

Be more annoying?

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