Chapter 29 - City Creek

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"So what're we going to do today?" I said, after spitting toothpaste into the sink. I was standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth while Henry took one of his five minute showers. I was tempted to join him, but I worried that any further approximation of our naked bodies would lead to yet another round of vigorous morning sex and if I'm being honest, my vagina needed a rest.

"I dunno," he said, "what do you want to do?"

I thought about this for a minute. I still had to work tonight, even though Henry finally had the next two days off. It seemed like we should do something outdoorsy, given that most of our time together was spent in the dead of night, making love like two overworked vampires.

"What if we go for a run up City Creek, and then grab some breakfast at Copper Kitchen? I've been meaning to head over there, but I've never had the chance. The Chef there is a good friend of my boss Simon. Then, I don't know, maybe we could catch a matinee movie before my shift starts? I just love seeing movies in the middle of the day."

"That sounds like an amazing plan. What time will you be done tonight?" He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, glistening, Edward Cullen-like in the sunshine, with drops of water over his pale skin.

"Who knows. We've been kinda slow the last few nights, so could be early or it could be late. You still up for going to this Halloween party?"

"Sure. I've got to figure out a costume though, but I can work on that while you're at the restaurant. What are you going as?" He had wrapped his lower half in a towel and then reached across me to grab his toothbrush.

"It's a surprise. Actually, for anyone who knows me its not a surprise at all, because I wear the same costume every year, but for you, it will be a surprise."

"Am I shtill picking shoo up afhter whork?" he said, with a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Yeah, if that's ok with you. Could you also drop me off at the restaurant after the movie, that way I don't need to leave my bike there?"

He spit, rinsed his mouth, and then looked up at me in the mirror, "works for me."

"Let's head over to my place so I can change for the run. I can introduce you to my houseplant Marcus."

"You name your houseplants?" he said, looking at me sideways.

"It helps me remember to water them. I mean, if it's just some anonymous tree in the corner, it's easy to forget. But if I think, 'Oh Shit! Marcus is probably really thirsty,' that makes it feel more like murder if I forget." He smiled and then kissed me, squeezing me on the ass when he realized what I was wearing: one of his old band t-shirts (Vampire Weekend, I thought) and a pair of overly large running shorts, because I only had my dirty clothes from the previous night's shift at the restaurant.

He was dressed in under five minutes and we were out the door and headed to my place and it wasn't even 7:45 am.... An ungodly hour for a chef, and basically late morning for a surgeon.


My place was tucked into a nondescript street near the Capitol building and not too far from City Creek, which was a great place to go running since it was paved and closed to cars. I had gotten an amazing deal on a split level house that was two floors: the top was occupied half of the year by the owner, a woman in her late 60s who I'd met once before and who seemed nice enough. The bottom floor was mine, and had two bedrooms, a decent-sized kitchen with newer appliances, even if it was a bit cramped. Both apartments had access to a gorgeous backyard with a deck, a grill, a firepit and a hot tub. I hadn't made use of any of the facilities because I hadn't had the time – or the inclination – to have anyone over yet, but seeing Henry propped up against the backdoor reminded me that it might be nice to spend some time with him in the hot tub. I looked around my apartment and realized that there were still boxes all over the place; I had been spending so much time at Henry's house, that I was really neglecting getting settled in to my own place.

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