Chapter 12 - When Harry Met Sally

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I had never actually seen a woman fight before, so I really had no idea what to expect. Well that's not true, I did not expect to go from my resting ¼ chub (ever since I met Sam) to a solid ½ chub when she practically knocked the guy out to an embarrassing ¾ chub when they transitioned from kick boxing to krav maga. She looked incredible; confident, focused, and mean as fucking hell. I appreciated that the guys she worked with looked out for her and made sure she was safe each night, but after seeing her at the gym, I honestly felt very sorry for a man that decided to fuck with her.

After her workout we walked over to Spitz and sat on the patio, since it was a sunny Fall day. It took us a few minutes to start talking, since we were both pretty hungry, but after we had both made a respectable dent in our sandwiches I breached the topic that had been on my mind since last night.

"So, you were going to tell me about your friend in your chemistry class?" I took a sip of my beer and she took a sip of her water.

"That depends, do you want to hear about chemistry girl or Chiara?"

"Well, which one involves you naked sucking on someone else's breasts?"

She thought for a moment, then said, "well, technically they both do, but personally I think the Chiara story is cooler."

"By all means, let's start with Chiara, and we'll just go from there."

"Well, like you, I did a study abroad during my junior year in college. I went to Italy, and actually got to see where my Nona was from, it was really amazing. While I was there, I was studying art and painting and drawing – basically everything that wasn't chemistry or math – and I met Chiara in one of my drawing classes. My nude drawing classes. Chiara, you see, was the model. We hit it off after, like the 2nd session and went to go get drinks. She was a little bit older than me, and had been with a lot more women, and men too probably. She really taught me a lot about touch and about being present for somebody. We used to go to this secret garden that was like in this castle that once used to belong to her family, but they had lost it during some war ages ago, I can't remember. Anyway, she would take me there and we would have these open-air picnics and she would just feast on my body. She once made me orgasm three times in five minutes. She had the most amazing breasts, so warm, so full, much larger than mine. They were like twin buoys. Seriously, sometimes we'd go swimming and I was convinced that she'd never be able to drown."

She looked up to me to see if I was still paying attention and I had to actually shut my jaw. "What did she taste like?" I asked, not wanting this flood of mental imagery to stop.

"I mean, I don't know, she tasted like pussy. I hadn't had much at this point, and honestly, to me it all kind of tastes the same. She made the most incredible noises when she came sort of like a baby seal. Like, aruh, uhhhun, aruh."

I took a deep breath. "What was it like?" I said, "and please, say it slowly."

She placed her hand on mine, twirling her middle finger over the back of my hand and did the whole When Harry Met Sally orgasm scene, but only featuring Chiara, her buxom Italian mistress. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and smiled. How was I going to stand up? My dick was now rock hard, like jack-hammer hard, the streets of downtown Salt Lake were crowded. I was mentally doing the math if it would take longer to walk home or if we should just call an Uber.

I was about to suggest this when her phone buzzed in her bag. To her great credit, she didn't immediately dive for it. But about 10 seconds later, three more buzzes arrived simultaneously and she *did* dive for it.

She picked it up, read the texts, and as she was holding her phone, even more texts came in.

"Henry, I'm so sorry, I've got to go, like right now."

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